Door-opening Buttons - ESCHA

Door-opening Buttons - ESCHA

Door-opening Buttons - ESCHA


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MP Inner-ring colours | PictogramsInquiry guide MPLight ivorysimilar to RAL1015Traffic greensimilar to RAL6024MP Inquiry | So that you will not forget anything, simply mark with a cross and send us afax or go to internet Fax +49 2353 66796–99 | www.escha-tsl.de/anfragekompassMounting variants | page 10 –11MP30 MP31 MP32 MP33Traffic yellowsimilar to RAL1023Traffic grey Asimilar to RAL7042Nominal voltage | page 81324V 36V 72V 110VLED-variants | page 8Pure orangesimilar to RAL2004Traffic grey Bsimilar to RAL7043Special LED: 3gn+1rd 3rd+1gnSwitching function | page 9MP30, MP31, MP32, MP33: fct.1 fct.2 MP30TTraffic redTraffic whiteColour inner-ring | page 12similar to RAL3020similar to RAL9016RALSpecial colour:Colour fixingring /adapterplate (MP32/MP33) | page 42–43Traffic blueTraffic blackRALSpecial colour:similar to RAL5017similar to RAL9017Connector (Standard cable length approx. 100mm) | page 44–45without plug (2m cable)Type-No.:Special connector:Capri blueMP30TSpecial length:Special cable:similar to RAL5019Pictogram: water flowTraffic bluesimilar to RAL5017Your dataName:Company:Address:The colours shown here are no RAL-colours.Please use standard RAL-range for exact colourPhone:selection.E-mail:Please contact us for other inner-ring colours,texts on inner-ring or pictograms.Colour selection of fixing-rings and adapter-plates for MP32 and MP33 can be seen onpage 42 and 43.Thank you ☺

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