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H A V E Y O U A N Y T I M E F O R J E S U S ? • A s i n g r a c e H e c a l l s a g a i nNews, Views &Your Letters10WE PRINT LETTERS FROM YOU, THE READERS. LETTERS MAY BE EDITED FOR BREVITY.WE REGRET THAT THE EDITOR CANNOT ENGAGE IN PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE.Editorial Comment (Ed) is by Philip Powell (PP) or Brett Bigg (BB)FROM THE REGULAR (EMAIL) MAILERTo subscribe go to: http://www.christian-<strong>witness</strong>.<strong>org</strong>/joinsearch.html and follow the prompts.CWM CAMP/CONFERENCE 2006Hi Philip, It was great to finally meet youand Kath over the past week. The time ofministry and God’s presence were wonderful. Ipray that the Lord will continue to use you for theextension of His Kingdom especially in bringing thetruth of the gospel message to others who havebeen deceived.Mike Lynch, Adelaide★ ★ ★HILLSONG – AoG AUSTRALIAThanks Philip, Enjoyed your last mailer. Thechasers on Hillsong were devastatingly on target—how sad it is so obvious to the world. In His GripAW, Sydney★ ★ ★Thank you for your CETF magazine this month.I applaud Southern Cross College for linkingwith our brothers and sisters in Christ in the RomanCatholic Church—the church born from the NTdisciples, with Christ as its cornerstone andbuilder (admittedly with its misguided points dueto man’s involvement—similar to your so-calledministry)—in discussing the Trinity. Do you evenknow what the Roman Catholic’s stance is on theTrinity (FYI The blessed Mother is NOT part of theirTrinitarian theology.)PG, Hillsong, SydneyEditorial Question: Does PG’s view (see highlightedsection) reflect official Hillsong and/or AoGpolicy regarding the Church of Rome—motherof harlots, abomination of the earth? Readers’comments and/or questions are invited. PG is alsoinvited to comment.★ ★ ★PURPOSE DRIVENRICK WARREN & AG-USA LINKSPhilip, I am a friend of Kevin [Bishop—seepages 2-3] who made his association thissummer while in Wisconsin Rapids on businessfor 3½ months. One Friday I was conversing withKevin over the phone and he was telling me aboutthe whole episode with the AG and I urged himto do a search on Google and find out if there isan association or support group for former AoGministers. And that’s when and how Kevin foundout about you, through my urging him to investigateif someone else had been wronged and taken theirexperience to the keyboard and cyber space to sharethe abominable treatment that the AoG hands outwithout regard for consequence.As a former Catholic I had no experience withchurches that operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit,and because of my Catholicism, the Bible had beenreduced to only the sound bites Rome wanted me tohear, so I really didn’t know God’s Word and what itsaid regarding the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, andwhat subsequently happens. Praise God, I woke outof my slumber and got busy and immersed myselfin the Word for about 3 years and got reading andhad another brother to come alongside me anddisciple me and help me study God’s Word andencourage me. However this person while havinga very discerning mind was not at all connectedwith other aspects of the Holy Spirit. Enter Kevinthis summer, and all that changed.★ ★ ★Hello, I do not agree or disagree with pastorWarren/PDL, so I have not opinion to defendon either side. However, after receiving severalof your emails I would like to offer the following:You seem to place too much stock in the opinion ofone A/G source—Dr Redding (sic). This becomesall the more important if you are going to callfor “evidence” and support from those who havepublicly disagreed with you. Rev Niger is a closepersonal friend of mine and I know him to be asolid man and pastor whose life and ministry areabsolutely above reproach. I have met Pastor Lee,and know many other friends/pastors who embraceand use PDL. The point of all of this is—if I mustchoose to trust long time friends and pastors will(sic) very strong track records of service, over somegroup of naysayers that I have never met, most likelywill never meet, and about whom I know ZERO;well I suppose you already know my choice. I findyour emails trite, pompous, full of innuendo and adhominem attack. But also, mildly amusing.Rev. David AutersonUS Missionary, Assemblies of GodReply from CETF editor: Dear David, Thankyou for your response. I find your comment aboutour emails being “mildly amusing” intriguing.Frankly we “are not amused” to use a pompousBritish retort. Matters for us are far too serious tobe amusing. Before going public on this matter I hadconsiderable interaction with Ge<strong>org</strong>e Wood yourGeneral Secretary. Ray Barnett is a disenfranchisedAG pastor. James Sundquist is a most informedman as are Jeffrey Whittaker (AG pastor) andBob DeWaay, a graduate of your central AG BibleCollege 1 . Obviously I have not contacted everyonewithin AG-USA on this issue, but to imply thatour modus operandi is suspect and very limited isdemonstrably untrue. Also it seems to be rather sillyto suggest as you do that we may be appealing for“support” from those who have publicly disagreedwith us. This is a nonsense argument. The fact thatMr Niger is your friend has nothing to do with theissue. Now I think the expression “ad hominem”(dictionary “of an argument, appealing to theemotions and not to reason”) fits admirably inrespect of your attempt at dismissal. David, pleaseunderstand. I have a long track record of closeassociation with AoG worldwide. Check me out ifyou want. My heart breaks when I think of wherethis one time godly movement came from and whereit is heading. They are in many cases supporting the“Seeker Sensitive” non-<strong>Christian</strong>ity of men like RickWarren and Bill Hybels who support such worldlyand to some extent “evil” people as Bono and MelGibson. Where in the world is AG heading? Davidyou sign yourself “Reverend” which is fine. I do too attimes. However if we use that “title” then we shouldat least reflect something of the ONE of whom it iswritten “holy and reverend is HIS name”. May Godbless you and lead us all at this time of testing.2 Thessalonians 2:10-11 “...because they receivednot the love of the truth, that they might besaved. And for this cause God shall send themstrong delusion, that they should believe a lie.”I hope to hear from you.Sincerely yours in Christ,Philip L. POWELL (July 30, 2006)★ ★ ★Dear Philip, If David is really Niger’s friend, heshould tell him the truth as well as demandthat he supply proof of slander and libel...whichhe to date has not. By the way, I have not heardback from McFarland since I sent him my 40 pagedemolition. He can’t refute it, so he chooses to bedeceived and chooses to delight in his delusion.My own comment: [about David Austerson]how does someone become or continue to be amissionary for the AOG and not even know whatit is disseminating?Blessings,James Sundquist (July 30, 2006)★ ★ ★Take me off your mailing list and change thename of your website.Shawn Woody(Presumably an AG pastor)★ ★ ★RE: CWM Mailer July #3 Date sent: Tue,18 Jul 2006 — I’m glad that you want yourvoice to be heard in such a way as testifying againstanother person out of love, but I do believe that thisis more gossip than with a pure heart that wantsGod. I do not want to judge you but this is honestlywhat it sounds like to me. It may not be the best1 All of these men and their writings were referred to in ouremail to which David Auterson responded

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