Subpoena - Family Court of Western Australia

Subpoena - Family Court of Western Australia

Subpoena - Family Court of Western Australia


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Part 2A summary <strong>of</strong> the stepsto take when requesting thatthe <strong>Court</strong> issue a subpoenaSee Parts 1 & 2 <strong>of</strong> this brochure for detailsComplete the <strong>Subpoena</strong> (Form 14) to: produce existing documents; give evidence; or do both.Note the limits on what may be requested,when and how many subpoenae may berequested.Make copies <strong>of</strong> the completed <strong>Subpoena</strong>.File the <strong>Subpoena</strong> at the <strong>Court</strong>, which will‘seal’ it and set a time and place for theobligations in it to be met (court date).Arrange for service <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Subpoena</strong>.If subpoena toproducedocumentsonly, noteRule 15.30procedurewhich is setout on page 3opposite.NOTE: You maynot need toappear incourt.All othersubpoenas –attend <strong>Court</strong>on date andtime specified.STEP 1Completing the <strong>Subpoena</strong>Obtain a <strong>Subpoena</strong> (Form 14) from the <strong>Family</strong><strong>Court</strong>’s website at www.familycourt.wa.gov.auor any Registry <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Court</strong>. When completingit, keep in mind that:A subpoena must identify the person towhom it is directed by name or bydescription <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice or position. If youwish to subpoena an organisation, thesubpoena should be directed to a personauthorised to act on behalf <strong>of</strong> theorganisation, for example:The Proper OfficerXYZ Pty LtdSome StreetSome Town, NSW 0000A subpoena may be directed to two ormore persons if the subpoena is to giveevidence only or if the subpoenarequires the production <strong>of</strong> the samedocuments from each person named.A subpoena for production must identifythe specific document or thing to beproduced.A document or thing requested in asubpoena should be properly describedso that the person subpoenaed knowswhat to produce.A subpoena must always require theproduction to the <strong>Court</strong> <strong>of</strong> a document orthing which already exists (that is, it cannotrequire a person/organisation to create adocument to comply with the subpoena).A subpoena cannot be written in a waythat requires the person/organisation t<strong>of</strong>orm a conclusion as to whether adocument or book is relevant. Forexample, the subpoena could not ask for‘all documents relating to any accountheld by the wife/husband in a false name’.2

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