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182PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 31, Number 2, 2011as their own controls. A 2-mg/ml oral solutionwas prepared from mixing methotrexate injectionwith sodium bicarbonate, syrup, and chloroformwater. The results showed that mean bioavailabilityfor all the oral methods of administrationwas 28% of the same dose given intravenously.There were no significant differences in terms ofabsorption, AUC, and C max between oral tabletsand the extemporaneous oral liquid. 81 Theseresults were consistent with those of otherpharmacokinetic studies. 83–85The bioavailability of sorafenib tablets administeredas a liquid suspension compared withintact tablets was evaluated in a crossovermanner. 93 Twenty-six healthy male volunteerswere randomized into two groups who receivedeither two 200-mg tablets administered with 8 ozof water or an oral suspension of two 200-mgtablets disintegrated in 2 oz of water over 10minutes, followed by oz of water for rinsing.The two study arms were separated by a 10–14-day washout period. Serial blood samples werecollected before, immediately after, and for up to144 hours after each dose of sorafenib. Sorafenibwas assayed by liquid chromatography–massspectrometry, and AUC, C max , and time to C maxwere assessed. There was no significant differencein absorption and in the geometric means ofthe pharmacokinetic parameters between the twogroups. The mean relative bioavailability ofsorafenib tablets was 38–49% compared with oralsolution. Although the clinical significance ofthis bioavailability finding is unknown, caution isadvised if sorafenib is administered as an oralsolution. Patients should be monitored forpotential increased toxicities of the drug. Nopharmacokinetic data of the oral sorafenibsolution using any fluids other than water wereavailable. Neither the stability of oral sorafenibsuspension nor the administration of thesuspension through a feeding tube was studied.Therefore, it is advised that the suspension beadministered within 1 hour after preparation. 93PalatabilityYoung children and the elderly often havedifficulty swallowing solid dosage forms. Smallpill size or liquid dosage forms are better suitedfor these patient populations. The main problemwith using an oral liquid is its palatability sincetaste sensation differs from one person to anotherand is age dependent. 143 The appropriate choiceof taste, odor, color, palatability, and sweetness ofan oral liquid preparation may encourage drugtherapy adherence, especially in children. 142 Theactive ingredient of some of the drugs mayproduce an unpleasant taste, and the manufacturerusually applies a flavored sweetened filmcoating onto the tablets to improve palatability. 143Most oral anticancer drugs are also surroundedby a wax matrix to prevent exposure to thehealth care worker. If these tablets are crushed,the patient would be subjected to the unpleasanttaste, which could impair drug adherence.Alternative Delivery Methods toExtemporaneous Oral Liquid FormulationsWhen a patient cannot swallow a tablet orcapsule, a commercially available oral liquidformulation should be preferred before consideringthe extemporaneous compounding method.Examples of oral anticancer liquid formulationsthat are commercially available include megestrol18, 19and tamoxifen.Ideally, the source of an active drug for preparationof an extemporaneous oral liquid shouldbe a pure drug. Since the pure drug is usuallynot easily available, it is common practice toobtain the pure drug from injectables, tablets, orcapsules.Crushing Tablets or Opening CapsulesThe most common method of preparing anextemporaneous oral liquid formulation from thesolid dosage form is pulverization using a mortarand pestle. 140 Before a tablet is crushed or acapsule is opened to empty the contents, it isimportant to understand the pharmacokinetics ofthe drug and to research if any stability data areavailable in the literature. Almost all oralanticancer agent tablets are film coated to protectthe handler from direct contact with the activeingredient. In addition, a coating is necessary fortablets that have an unpleasant taste, and asmoother finish makes large tablets easier toswallow. 143 Coatings are also useful to extend theshelf-life of pharmaceutical ingredients that aresensitive to moisture or oxidation. 143The practice of crushing a tablet or opening acapsule of an oral anticancer agent is generallynot recommended because it raises the concernof unreliable dosing as well as posing a hazard tohuman health. Certain tablets, although they arenot designed to be extended release or entericcoated, may not be crushed because it can alterthe pharmacokinetics or bioavailability of thedrug. For example, a pharmacokinetic study

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