research - Associated Student Government, Northwestern University

research - Associated Student Government, Northwestern University

research - Associated Student Government, Northwestern University


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RESEARCHRose, A. K. “Exchange Rates and the Trade Balance: Some Evidence from Developing Countries.” Economic letters. Vol. 34 (1990): 217-275.Rose, A. K. “The role of exchange rates in a popular model of international trade- Does Marshall-Lerner condition hold?” Journal of International Economics. Vol. 30 (1991): 301-316.Senhadji, Abdelhak, and Claudio E. Montenegro. “Time Series Analysis of Export Demand Equations: A Cross-Country Analysis.” IMF Staff Papers. Vol. 46, No. 3 (1999): 259-273.Tang, Tuck. “An Empirical Analysis of China’s Import Demand Function.” China Economic Review. Vol. 14 (2003): 142– 163.Taylor, John. “Discretion Versus Policy Rules in Practice.” Carnagie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy. Vol. 39. (1993).Tatom, John A.”The US-China Currency Dispute: Is a Rise in the Yuan Necessary, Inevitable or Desirable?” Global Economy Journal. Vol. 7, Iss. 3 (2007): Article 2.Yusoff, Mohammed. “Bilateral Trade Balance, Exchange Rates, and Income: Evidence from Malaysia,” Global Economy Journal. Vol. 9, Iss. 4 (2009): Article 7.VOLUME 7, 2011-2012NORTHWESTERN UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH JOURNAL25

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