The Total Return Swap Business Expands to Bank Loans

The Total Return Swap Business Expands to Bank Loans

The Total Return Swap Business Expands to Bank Loans


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• Does the initial notional amount of the TRS represent the initial principal amount (as opposed <strong>to</strong> the thenfairmarket value) of the underlying bank loan?• Does a substantial portion of the <strong>to</strong>tal return recipient’s activities consist of entering in<strong>to</strong> TRSs over debtinstruments?• Is the duration of the TRS the same as the stated term of the underlying bank loan?• Does the TRS cover the entire principal amount of the bank loan rather than only a percentage thereof?• Is the TRS part of a significant number of similar transactions involving extensions of credit <strong>to</strong> U.S.borrowers?• Does the Hedge Fund place collateral with <strong>Bank</strong> A that is equal <strong>to</strong> the full notional amount of the swap?• Does the swap require <strong>Bank</strong> A <strong>to</strong> actually hold the bank loan?To the extent the fac<strong>to</strong>rs enumerated above are present (the questions are answered in the affirmative), thatmay tend <strong>to</strong> support an argument that <strong>Bank</strong> A should be considered <strong>to</strong> be an agent of the Hedge Fund inholding the bank loan. Courts have held that acts of unrelated agents can result in the foreign principal beingtreated as engaged in the conduct of a trade or business in the United States. 40 As analyzed in thesucceeding sections, however, even if the Hedge Fund is considered <strong>to</strong> hold a direct interest in the loan, itmay not result in any net adverse federal income tax consequences <strong>to</strong> the Hedge Fund. That happy resultstems from the conclusion that even if <strong>Bank</strong> A is acting as an agent of the Hedge Fund, it should remainunlikely that the Hedge Fund would be considered <strong>to</strong> be engaged in the conduct of a U.S. trade or businessor would be subject <strong>to</strong> withholding tax -- provided that the Hedge Fund is considered a secondary marketpurchaser and not the origina<strong>to</strong>r of the loan.V. Consequences if Hedge Fund Owns <strong>Bank</strong> LoanAs discussed above, there are two bases on which a foreign corporation can be subjected <strong>to</strong> U.S. taxation,net income taxation on the ground that it is engaged in the conduct of a trade or business in the UnitedStates or source-based taxation if it is not. Unless the Hedge Fund (<strong>to</strong>tal return recipient) engages in bankloan TRSs on a regular and continuous basis, and meets a substantial number of the other fac<strong>to</strong>rsenumerated above, it is unlikely that even directly acquiring interests in bank loans in the manner positedwould amount <strong>to</strong> a U.S. trade or business. Concomitantly, regarding withholding tax, the portfolio interestexception should exempt any interest income from taxation in the hands of the Hedge Fund.A. Net Income TaxationIf the form of the TRS is not respected and the swap is instead treated as an ownership interest in theunderlying loan itself, the question becomes whether the activities of the Hedge Fund regarding theunderlying loan are sufficient <strong>to</strong> amount <strong>to</strong> the conduct of a trade or business in the United States. <strong>The</strong>resolution of that ultimate issue depends on two subsidiary issues: (i) whether the bank loan activities areprotected from trade or business status by reason of either of the securities trading safe harbors and (ii)whether, if they are not so protected, they are so sporadic so as not <strong>to</strong> constitute the conduct of a financingbusiness in the United States.Greenberg Traurig, LLP

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