Reading Certificate Program - UC Irvine Extension - University of ...

Reading Certificate Program - UC Irvine Extension - University of ...

Reading Certificate Program - UC Irvine Extension - University of ...


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CurriculumRequired CoursesDeveloping Fluent ReadersED<strong>UC</strong> X300.51 (3 units)Apply research-based methods to develop fluent readingacross grade levels for speakers <strong>of</strong> English andEnglish learners. Topics include phonemic awareness,phonological structure <strong>of</strong> English, morphological structure<strong>of</strong> English, decoding/word attack strategies;spelling; importance <strong>of</strong> extensive practice; decodabletexts; skills and strategies to develop independentreaders; reading and writing practice including writingto reinforce reading; connected texts; transfer strategiesfrom primary language reading skills in Englishlanguage reading skills; strategies and materials forstruggling readers.Teaching Comprehension StrategiesED<strong>UC</strong> X300.52 (3 units)Develop the knowledge and skills needed to teachreading comprehension. Topics include the development<strong>of</strong> reading comprehension; the role <strong>of</strong> academiclanguage and <strong>of</strong> background knowledge; vocabularydevelopment and concept formation; narrative andexpository text analysis; thinking strategies (inference,summarization, predicting, questioning, clarifying);study strategies (summarizing, predicting, questioning,clarifying); independent reading <strong>of</strong> high quality books;development <strong>of</strong> listening and reading comprehensionskills; multicultural literature and informational text;scaffolding strategies for the English language learner;motivational strategies; and knowledge and skills forapplying literature and expository text for childrenand adolescents, and to improve comprehensionstrategies.Assessment-Based <strong>Reading</strong> InstructionED<strong>UC</strong> X300.53 (3 units)Use effective assessment and evaluation to develop,deliver and modify reading and writing instruction forall students. Specifically, the course will cover selection,use and interpretation <strong>of</strong> reading and writingassessments; assessment <strong>of</strong> knowledge and skills withEnglish pr<strong>of</strong>icient learners as well as English languagelearners; formal and informal assessment strategiesand tools; communicating assessment results to parents,administrators, teachers, school board membersand students; aligning assessments with instructionalprograms; effective assessment-based interventionprograms; and using instructional technology forassessment and instruction.Sociocultural Context for <strong>Reading</strong> InstructionED<strong>UC</strong> X300.54 (3 units)This course is designed to help practitioners develop arich understanding <strong>of</strong> the myriad issues that diverselearners face in complex environments, including home,community, and school. It is intended to provide teachersgain depth <strong>of</strong> knowledge in the social, cultural,linguistic, and academic challenges and opportunitiesfaced by English Language Learners and to impartpractical strategies for educators to teach pupils withsensitivity to these issues. Topics include: (1) theories<strong>of</strong> second language acquisition; (2) theories <strong>of</strong> readingacquisition in a second language; (3) reading andwriting skills for English learners; and (4) psychologicaland socio-linguistic aspects <strong>of</strong> reading and writing in asecond language. Skills acquired in this course will bealigned with current California English and LanguageArts frameworks and standards.Foundational Theories in <strong>Reading</strong> InstructionED<strong>UC</strong> X300.55 (3 units)Review and analyze the research in reading and languagearts and its implications for student assessmentand instruction. Topics include how children learn toread; the phonological and morphological structure <strong>of</strong>English; orthography/spelling; second language acquisition;the relationship between language, spelling,reading and writing; psychological and socio-linguisticaspects <strong>of</strong> reading and writing; balanced comprehensiveliteracy instruction; reading and writing skills forthe English pr<strong>of</strong>icient learner and the English languagelearner; respect for such individual differences asethnic, culture, gender, linguistic and socioeconomicstatus; and the writing process (pre-writing, drafting,revising, editing and publishing).<strong>Reading</strong> PracticumED<strong>UC</strong> X300.56 (3 units)The <strong>Reading</strong> Practicum is the culminating course in the<strong>Reading</strong> <strong>Certificate</strong> <strong>Program</strong>. Participate in 45 hours <strong>of</strong>documented work in a selected classroom that providesbalanced, comprehensive reading and languagearts instruction and which ensures that each candidatehas diverse experiences <strong>of</strong> teaching English languagelearners, beginning readers, and students with readingproblems. Assess struggling readers at both early andintermediate levels; tutor or teach small groups <strong>of</strong>struggling readers at two or more reading levels includingthe nonreader level and one or more higher levels.For class schedule: extension.uci.edu/certificates/education

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