Tony's CV - New College – University of Toronto

Tony's CV - New College – University of Toronto

Tony's CV - New College – University of Toronto


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<strong>CV</strong>- Dr. Tony Toneatto 780. Mindfulness Meditation for Problem Gambling. Ontario Problem Gambling ProvincialForum: Update from the Field, Ottawa, February, 2010.79. Why don’t gamblers with problems seek help? Keynote address at the 10 th AnnualNCRG Conference on Gambling and Addiction. Las Vegas, NV, 2009.78. Therapeutic Effects <strong>of</strong> Mindfulness. Buddhism, Brains and Behavior. Cognitive Scienceand Student Association, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Toronto</strong>, March, 2009.77. Mindfulness Meditation and Addictions. Addiction Rounds, Centre for Addiction andMental Health, <strong>Toronto</strong>, March, 2009.76. Residential Services for Problem Gambling: 12-Month Follow-Up <strong>of</strong> a Pilot Program.Ontario Problem Gambling Provincial Forum: Update from the Field, <strong>Toronto</strong>, February,2009.75. Buddhist Psychology: Applications to addiction treatment. Addiction Rounds, Centre forAddiction and Mental Health, <strong>Toronto</strong>, January, 2009.74. Mindfulness meditation for health. Buddhism and Mental Health Forum, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Toronto</strong>, May, 2008.73. Residential Treatment for Problem Gambling. Annual Conference <strong>of</strong> the ResponsibleGambling Council, Ottawa, April, 2008.72. Identifying and treating the problem gambler. Annual Medical-Scientific Conference <strong>of</strong>the American Society <strong>of</strong> Addiction Medicine, April, 200871. Problem Gambling Residential Services. Ontario Problem Gambling Provincial Forum:Update from the Field, <strong>Toronto</strong>, March, 2008.70. The efficacy <strong>of</strong> single-session interventions for problem gambling. Addiction Rounds,Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, <strong>Toronto</strong>, January, 2008.69. Piloting and Evaluation <strong>of</strong> a residential/ day treatment problem gambling system inOntario. 22 nd National Conference on Problem Gambling. Long Beach, CA, June, 2008.68. Effectiveness <strong>of</strong> single-session interventions for problem gambling: Results <strong>of</strong> arandomized clinical trial. 22 nd National Conference on Problem Gambling. Long Beach,CA, June, 2008.67. Single-session interventions are as effective as longer treatments for problem gambling:Results <strong>of</strong> a randomized trial. Presented at the 41st Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Associationfor Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia. November, 200766. Buddhism and the Body. Presented at the 4 th Critical Multicultural Counselling andPsychotherapy Conference: Dialogue with the Body in Clinical Practice, Centre forDiversity in Counselling and Psychotherapy, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Toronto</strong>, June, 2007

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