SED 2012 - Society for Economic Dynamics

SED 2012 - Society for Economic Dynamics

SED 2012 - Society for Economic Dynamics


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<strong>SED</strong> <strong>2012</strong> | <strong>Society</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Economic</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong>Overview of Parallel Sessions Friday, June 2210:00 - 12:00 13:30 - 15:30 16:00 - 18:00Housing and the MacroeconomyLocation: Hall B, GrandResort HotelTopics in International <strong>Economic</strong>sLocation: Hall C, GrandResort HotelTopics in MacroeconomicsLocation: Onisillos, GrandResort HotelAsset PricingLocation: Tefkros, GrandResort HotelInternational Transmission ofMonetary and Fiscal ShocksLocation: Evagoras, GrandResort HotelMonetary <strong>Economic</strong>sLocation: Europa A, Elias Beach HotelCoordination and theMacroeconomyLocation: Europa B, Elias Beach HotelHuman Capital and the Labor MarketLocation: Megaron B, St. RaphaelHotelTopics in Taxation and the Labor MarketLocation: Megaron C, St. RaphaelHotelFertility, Health, and MortalityLocation: Atrium A, St. Raphael HotelAdvances in NDPFLocation: Atrium B, St. Raphael HotelSearch in the Labor MarketLocation: Atrium C, St. Raphael HotelBusiness Cycle TheoryLocation: Hall B, GrandResort HotelIndivisibilities and Aggregate FluctuationsLocation: Hall C, GrandResort HotelGeneral Equilibrium with CollateralConstraintsLocation: Onisillos, GrandResort HotelFinancial Frictions and theMacroeconomyLocation: Tefkros, GrandResort HotelLiquidity in Financial MarketsLocation: Evagoras, GrandResortHotelFirm <strong>Dynamics</strong>Location: Europa A, Elias Beach HotelAdvances in International FinanceLocation: Europa B, Elias Beach HotelLabor SupplyLocation: Megaron B, St. RaphaelHotelHuman CapitalLocation: Megaron C, St. RaphaelHotelSearch and Matching: Labor MarketLocation: Atrium A, St. Raphael HotelCulture, Beliefs, and <strong>Economic</strong>sLocation: Atrium B, St. Raphael HotelHuman Capital: Education, Skills, andHealthLocation: Atrium C, St. Raphael HotelSovereign Debt and CrisesLocation: Location: Hall B,GrandResort HotelMacro/LaborLocation: Hall C, GrandResort HotelEmpirical LaborLocation: Onisillos, GrandResort HotelFinancial Frictions, In<strong>for</strong>mation Frictions,and Monetary PolicyLocation: Tefkros, GrandResort HotelCollege Major Choice andOccupational ChoiceLocation: Evagoras, GrandResort HotelPricing and Gains from TradeLocation: Europa A, Elias Beach HotelInternational Financial MarketsLocation: Europa B, Elias Beach HotelEquilibrium Effects of AsymmetricIn<strong>for</strong>mation in Decentralized MarketsLocation: Megaron B, St. Raphael HotelSectoral Dimensions of AggregateFluctuationsLocation: Megaron C, St. Raphael HotelIndustry Structure and EquilibriumLocation: Atrium A, St. Raphael HotelAsset Prices with HeterogeneousAgentsLocation: Atrium B, St. Raphael HotelLimited Participation in Asset MarketsLocation: Atrium C, St. Raphael Hotel18:30 - 19:45 Plenary Talk: ANDREW ATKESON - HALL A, GrandResort Hotel7

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