thursday,may 2, 2013 - County Times - Southern Maryland Online

thursday,may 2, 2013 - County Times - Southern Maryland Online

thursday,may 2, 2013 - County Times - Southern Maryland Online

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15 Thursday, May 2, <strong>2013</strong>The <strong>County</strong> <strong>Times</strong>Deputy Recovering fromMotorcycle CrashBy Guy LeonardStaff WriterCpl. Joseph Somerville, a veteran deputyof the St. Mary’s <strong>County</strong> Sheriff’s Office, isrecovering from a motorcycle crash earlier thisweek in Prince George’s <strong>County</strong>.Somerville was released from the hospitalthe same day as the crash without any brokenbones, Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron said.Somerville was traveling on his motorbikealong with an officer from Montgomery<strong>County</strong> on a return trip to the main trainingfacility in College Park when the other officerwent down.Somerville swerved to avoid the otherofficer, Cameron said, and then went downhimself.“He’s sore and he hurts… but he’s a toughguy,” Cameron said of Somerville.The roadway where both officers weredriving had uneven pavement as well as someunfinished construction, Cameron said, whichcould prove to be a contributing factor in thecrashes.Somerville said the other man who wentdown suffered far worse injuries and that hewas lucky to escape the collision with the injurieshe had.“I was very lucky,” Somerville said. “I’mfeeling good taking it one day at a time.“I’ll be back on the bike in the next fewmonths.”Somerville said he took most of the impacton the left side of his body and for nowis content to follow his doctor’s orders and getmore x-ray imaging done.Cameron said he expected Somervillewould return to duty sometime in the nearfuture.“We certainly hope so, that’s our expectation.But you never know with an accident likethat,” Cameron said.Somerville was at the training facility inPrince George’s <strong>County</strong> getting his qualifyinghours as a motorcycle rider and instructor sohe could return to his home agency and trainother deputies here in motor patrol.Somerville’s main duty assignment is as apatrol officer, Cameron said.Prince George’s <strong>County</strong> police are investigatingthe circumstances of the accident andthe county sheriff’s office is also conductingits own investigation into the incident.guyleonard@countytimes.netBy Guy LeonardStaff WriterCrime &PunishmentMan Sentenced inPark Hall StabbingA county Circuit Courtjudge sentenced William Marko,who stabbed another manlate last year in a bar for talkingto his ex-girlfriend, to 15 yearsin state prison April 26.Judge Karen Abrams reducedthe sentence to 10 years of incarcerationwith three years of supervisedprobation.According to charging documentsfiled by police in county district court,Marko had tried to buy a drink for hisex-girlfriend the night of the stabbingat the Green Door but attacked victimJohn Loss when she eventually begantalking to him instead.Police allege that while Loss’sback was turned Marko stabbed him aftersaying something incomprehensibleto him from behind.Others at the bar that night familiarwith the defendant positively identifiedhim; one witness told police that Markohad admitted he had perpetrated theassault.“The defendant told the witness hestabbed the victim because he wouldn’tMarkomove out of the way and becausethe victim was talking tohis girlfriend,” Detective RobertMerritt wrote in an applicationfor statement of chargesback in November.Court records showMarko pleaded guilty to firstdegreeassault and in doing so avoidedfacing attempted second-degree murdercharges.He faced charges for seconddegreeassault, reckless endangermentand carrying a dangerous weapon withthe intention to injure but prosecutorsdeclined to pursue them.When police found Marko afterthe November stabbing and interviewedhim they said he “did not deny stabbingthe victim but claims to have been intoxicatedduring the stabbing and doesnot recall committing the act,” accordingto charging documents.Merritt wrote in court papers thatMarko received several calls the nextday after the incident telling him thathe was the one who stabbed the victimand, upon hearing this, he tried to disposeof the clothing he wore that night.guyleonard@countytimes.netCONVERTYOURTANK TO TANKLESS!Call us today for a free estimate on converting your hotwater system to a more efficient tankless system.STEP 1A hot watertap isturned on.STEP 2Cold waterenters theheater & theflow sensordetects thewater flow.STEP 3The computerautomaticallyignites theburner.STEP 4Water circulatesthrough the heatexchanger.The burner heatsthe water tothe designatedtemperature.HOW DOESA TANKLESSWORK?The obvious differencebetween a tank and atankless is its size.Not only will you gainsignificant space, butyou’ll also get endlesshot water with a tankless.Mention our ad and receivea $500.00 discount onthe unit and installation.SPACE SAVING CALCULATIONSTEP 5The Noritz tankless water heaterprovides an endless stream ofhot water. 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