November 2009 - BioBees

November 2009 - BioBees

November 2009 - BioBees


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Adrian writesMeeting on <strong>November</strong> 22ndOur Honey Show and AGM are beingheld together this year on 22nd<strong>November</strong> at Bogan House inTotnes starting with judging of theHoney Show at2.0pm. Your HoneyShow exhibits must be staged atleast 5 minutes before judgingstarts, you should have received ashow schedule with last month's Offthe Comb [if you need another copycontact Adrian Kyte 01803 712 159or preferably by Emailadrian.kyte@btinternet.com ]. Afterthe Honey show there will be part 2of Glyn Davies’ presentation onBee Eggs, don't worry if you missedpart 1 last year as both parts arelargely self contained. There arecurrently no contentious issuesscheduled for discussion at theAGM so it should be fairly brief.We will be looking for new bloodto join the committee with 3 peoplestanding down. We need nominationsfor Assistant Apiary Manager[this would be good opportunity fora new beekeeper to gain valuableexperience with expert guidance onhand], Librarian and SecretaryHumble BoyFrom <strong>November</strong> 3 to 7th the DartingtonPlayers will be performingthis play in the Barn Theatre atDartington.There is a beekeeping connection,which is why it gets a mention here,Box Office 01803 847 070.2The annual dinnerIt has been our custom to have adinner in February, and we expectto so again in 2010. Your committeewould like suggestions as towhere we should meet. It needs tohave good food at reasonable pricesand able to cope with about 25 people.And fairly accessible sincesome of our members travel quite along way. Suggestions please to anyof the committee.Southdevonbees.orgThe web site has now been broughtup to date so you will find the recentissues of this newsletter there.What else should there be on thissite? What would you like to seethere? Your committee are lookingfor suggestions from you.BEEKEEPINGThe Devon magazine comes out 10times each year, and <strong>November</strong> isone of the months when the Editorhas a break. So no magazine thismonth.Off the CombCould you write something forthis Newsletter?

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