Chem 324 Syllabus - Iowa State University

Chem 324 Syllabus - Iowa State University

Chem 324 Syllabus - Iowa State University

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10. Additional office information: Dr. Windus’ office is in an Ames Lab building. The building is locked between 5:30 pmand 7:00 am weekdays, and also 24/7 whenever the nation is on orange security alert or higher. Otherwise, you are free to enterAmes Lab to visit with Dr. Windus. If you wish to see Dr. Windus while the building is locked, please make an appointmentbeforehand in order for her to let you in at one of the doors, or to meet you in a room in Gilman Hall.11. Classroom etiquette: It is expected that you will respect your fellow students and the instructor during the class. Cellphone and other electronic communication device use during lecture is strictly forbidden. In class cell-phone andcommunication device use will result in a zero grade for any assignment associated with that class including exams and mayimpact your grade significantly. People who read newspapers, carry on extended conversations during class, or engage in otherdistracting behavior, will be asked to leave.12. Academic Misconduct in any form is in violation of <strong>Iowa</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Student Disciplinary Regulations and will notbe tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to: copying or sharing answers on tests, plagiarism, and having someone else doyour academic work. Depending on the act, a student could receive an F grade on the test/assignment, F grade for the course,and could be suspended or expelled from the <strong>University</strong>. See the Conduct Code at www.dso.iastate.edu/ja for more details anda full explanation of the Academic Misconduct policies.13. Right to Privacy: The Federal Right-to-Privacy Act prohibits the instructor from public disclosure of exam scores. Youmay obtain your exam scores in person from your instructor or TAs or from the Bb grade book. The instructor and the TAs areprohibited from giving grades over the phone or e-mail.14. Order of Events: This is a tentative schedule and will be updated as the course progresses. Appropriate reading will bediscussed in class.DateChapterWeek 1 Introduction and History (Chapters 1 and 2)Sept 2NO CLASSES, UNIVERSITY HOLIDAYWeek 2 History and Schrödinger Equation (Chapters 2 and 3)Week 3 Schrödinger Equation and Particle in the Box (Chapters 3 and 4)Week 4 Particle in the Box and Principles (Chapters 3 and 4)Sept 25EXAM IWeek 5 Principles, Harmonic Oscillator – Vibrations (Chapters 4 and 5)Week 6 Vibrations, Rigid Rotor – Rotations (Chapter 5)Week 7 Spectroscopies (parts of Chapter 13)Week 8 Hydrogen atom (Chapter 6)Oct. 23EXAM IIWeek 9 Hydrogen atom (Chapter 6)Week 10 Variational methods (Chapter 7)Nov 1LAST DAY TO DROP CLASSWeek 11 Many electron systems and Hartree-Fock (Chapter 8)Week 12 Molecular orbitals and Diatomic molecules (Chapter 9)Nov 20EXAM IIIWeek 13 Diatomcs, larger molecules (Chapters 9 and 10)Week 14 NO CLASSES, THANKSGIVING BREAKWeek 15 Bonding in polyatomic molecules (Chapter 10)Week 16 Some computational methods (Chapter 11)Thursday, Dec 19 FINAL EXAM: 9:45-11:45 A.M.

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