Harry Potter and the Heir of Gryffindor(01) - Sahits

Harry Potter and the Heir of Gryffindor(01) - Sahits

Harry Potter and the Heir of Gryffindor(01) - Sahits


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"Oh my dear, Imelda! You poor thing!" Mrs. Dursley was cooing."Well, it was a long story. But I was just wondering, <strong>Harry</strong>. . ." she took a breath, "is Mr. Filch still keenon those horrific punishments?"<strong>Harry</strong>'s fork dropped. What had she just said? Mr. Filch? Had she meant <strong>the</strong> Mr. Filch, Hogwarts'ground keeper? No, impossible. St. Brutus's must have had a Mr. Filch as well."And that cat <strong>of</strong> his! That Mrs. Norris-- she's not still alive, is she?"The Dursley's were staring at him, awaiting his answer. Only problem was that <strong>Harry</strong> was paralyzed.This is no coincidence! She knows about Hogwarts! His pulse was racing as he kept her gaze. . . aglimmer shining in her eyes, her mouth twisted in a strange smile.He took a shaky breath <strong>and</strong> answered, ". . . yes . . ."Mrs. Banbury's face was writhing with excitement. And <strong>the</strong>n in <strong>the</strong> very next moment, she'd changed<strong>the</strong> subject <strong>and</strong> her <strong>and</strong> Aunt Petunia were back to discussing recipes, leaving <strong>Harry</strong> absolutelystunned.He didn't touch <strong>the</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> his dinner. When Petunia <strong>of</strong>fered to clear away <strong>the</strong> dishes, Mrs. Banburyopposed fervently."No, <strong>Harry</strong> will help, won't you <strong>Harry</strong>?"He could see Dudley smiling out <strong>of</strong> his peripheral vision, but didn't care. He stood up shakily, pickedup his dishes, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>n went about collecting <strong>the</strong> rest, trying to keep his h<strong>and</strong>s still. He followed Mrs.Banbury into <strong>the</strong> kitchen <strong>and</strong>, as he expected, she quickly closed <strong>the</strong> door behind <strong>the</strong>m.Her smile was about ready to fly right <strong>of</strong>f her face. "I can't believe it. . . I never thought that . . .""How did you know?" <strong>Harry</strong> blurted, "How did you know about Mr. Filch <strong>and</strong> Mrs. Norris?"She stood, admiring him for a moment before answering. "Can you keep a secret?"If only she knew. He nodded.She beamed, turned towards <strong>the</strong> sink where <strong>the</strong>y'd set <strong>the</strong> dishes <strong>and</strong> to <strong>Harry</strong>'s surprise, extracted athin dark mahogany w<strong>and</strong> from underneath her belt. She pointed it at <strong>the</strong> sink <strong>and</strong> whispered "LavareTotalius!"The dishes were at once sparkling <strong>and</strong> shining like new <strong>and</strong> <strong>Harry</strong>'s mouth fell open. He stared at herin disbelief."You're a witch!" he whispered"And you're <strong>Harry</strong> <strong>Potter</strong>! Oh, I just can't believe that I'm finally meeting you.""But-how? I thought you were a muggle-""Yes, I am quite good at it, aren't I! It's one thing I'm a bit proud <strong>of</strong>, actually. That's one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> mainreasons I think <strong>the</strong> Ministry placed me in Special Investigations, since I'm so good at blending in.""You work for <strong>the</strong> Ministry <strong>of</strong> Magic? Well <strong>the</strong>n you must know Arthur Weasley!""Oh Heavens, yes. I've known Arthur for years. Good man, Arthur.""His son Ron is my best friend!""Really? Well, how nice! I'll tell him that you said hello when I see him tomorrow.""But- how - ""Well, I feel it best to just tell people that I'm a housewife. That way <strong>the</strong>y don't wonder when <strong>the</strong>y don'tsee me leave <strong>the</strong> house since I Apparate every morning.""And . . . Mr. Banbury. . . is he. . .""My stars, no! He's a muggle if <strong>the</strong>re ever was one! Works for <strong>the</strong> police department. And before youask, no, Sophie isn't a witch ei<strong>the</strong>r. Strange thing, really. We thought for certain she would be- whatwith my family being an all-wizarding family-<strong>and</strong> I did so want her to go to Hogwarts. She really did aswell. It was a tremendous blow to her when she never received her letter. She's a bit sour abouthaving to go to a regular school <strong>the</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> her life, to be honest. But Roger <strong>and</strong> I are both verysupportive <strong>of</strong> her."<strong>Harry</strong> was delighted! His new neighbor, a witch! Not just any old witch, but one who worked for <strong>the</strong>Ministry <strong>of</strong> Magic <strong>and</strong> knew <strong>the</strong> Weasleys!At that moment Aunt Petunia stuck her head in <strong>the</strong> kitchen, flashing a smile that <strong>Harry</strong> knew wasmerely show. "Need any help in here?"Imelda winked at <strong>Harry</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>n turned around to face Petunia. "Not at all, we've finished as you cansee-""That certainly was fast," said Petunia, eyeing <strong>Harry</strong>."Well, <strong>Harry</strong> here is an expert dish-washer. I suppose <strong>the</strong>y certainly do train <strong>the</strong>m well at St. Brutus's."Petunia nodded uncertainly <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>n turned <strong>and</strong> left."Mrs. Banbury, I think I should warn you now, it's best <strong>the</strong> Dursleys know nothing about your being . . .about who you are. They're being kind to you now because <strong>the</strong>y think that you're a respectable,normal family. But <strong>the</strong>y hate everything to do with our world, believe me, <strong>and</strong> if <strong>the</strong>y ever knew--""I have no intention <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m knowing. I've worked in Special Investigations for eighteen years-I know awizard hater when I see one. And I daresay calling <strong>the</strong> Dursleys wizard-haters would be anunderstatement, right?"12

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