2013-2014 AP Biology Summer Assignment & Intro Letter

2013-2014 AP Biology Summer Assignment & Intro Letter

2013-2014 AP Biology Summer Assignment & Intro Letter


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Part #4 (Independent Reading <strong>Assignment</strong>)I would like you to read an independent non-fiction book over the summer and keep a reflection journal as yougo. Please use a composition notebook dedicated as your independent reading reflection journal and follow thereflection guide posted on the website. One of the short answer essays for our first exam will be from thisreading. Note: Please remember there are other <strong>AP</strong> <strong>Biology</strong> students so don’t wait until the last week & try tocheck it out from a local library. If you prefer, I bought my copy online for about $8.00 ☺ I noticed thatamazon offers a kindle version of this book as well. The book is titled Killer Germs. This book is everythingreaders ever wanted to know about deadly viruses, killer parasites, flesh-eating microbes, and other lifethreatening beasties but were afraid to ask. What disease, known as "the White Death" has killed 2 billionpeople, and counting? What fatal disease lurks undetected in air conditioners and shower heads, waiting to become airborne? Howlethal is the Ebola virus, and will there ever be a cure for it? How do you catch flesh-eating bacteria? Killer Germs takes readers on afascinating (sometimes horrifying) journey into the amazing world of viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and worms and explores theroles they have played in shaping the course of human history.Authors: Barry E. Zimmerman, David J. Zimmerman ISBN: 0071409262Part #5….Last One (School Materials) ☺Please get all of the materials you will need for next year ready for the first day of school, as we will be starting right away.Here is what will be needed to be successful in my <strong>AP</strong> <strong>Biology</strong> class: (Please let me know as soon as possible via email or in private ifyou need assistance obtaining any of these or any of the course supplies throughout the year.)You will need regular access tothe internet for this course.• One 1-2” & one 2–3” binders just for <strong>AP</strong> Bio• Dividers with Tabs labeledo Warm Upso Noteso Homework & Worksheetso Review Sheetso Other• 2 extra sets of dividers (10 total tabs)• 3x5 note cards & ring for vocabulary• 2 or more different colored high lighters• Colored pencils• Sticky notes of various sizes and/or colors• 2 composition notebookso One for labso One for your reflection journal• Student Planner or Calendar• STRONGLY RECOMMENDED: Expo markers & a white board& STRONGLY RECOMMENDED: Exam Prep Book 2012 or newOther Independent Reading Materials Needed for Later in the Year(If you want to purchase them instead of checking them out or borrowing from an old <strong>AP</strong> student. Don’t forget if you decide to wait.)How We Live & Why We Die: The Secret Lives of CellsAuthor: Lewis Wolpert ISBN-10: 0393072215Wolpert, professor of biology at University College London, conceives bodies as complex societies of cells, witheach individual cell and cell type fulfilling a very specific role. As Wolpert explains, cells are incredibly complicated.He provides basic biological information about cell structure, genetics and reproduction, and then discusses theroles cells play in disease, aging, death, reproduction, memory, emotion and much more. In focusing on theprocess of human development, he marvels at how a single cell, a fertilized egg, can grow into a complexorganism. Along the way, Wolpert lightly touches on some hot-button topics like the ethics of stem cell research;when a developing fetus might be considered human; and the ethics of cloning. His range is so great that hehas little time to delve beneath the surface of any of the subjects he raises, making this a brief introduction forthe learner in basic cell biology & its implications. (There are 2 different versions of the cover.)Survival of the SickestAuthor: Sharon Moalem with Jonathan Prince ISBN-10: 0060889667Joining the ranks of modern myth busters, Dr. Sharon Moalem turns our current understanding of illness on itshead and challenges us to fundamentally change the way we think about our bodies, our health, and ourrelationship to just about every other living thing on earth. Through a fresh and engaging examination of ourhistory, Dr. Moalem reveals how many of the conditions that are diseases today actually gave our ancestors aleg up in the survival sweepstakes. But Survival of the Sickest doesn't stop there. It goes on to demonstratejust how little modern medicine really understands about human health, and offers a new way of thinking thatcan help all of us live longer, healthier lives.

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