Aug-Sep 2013, Issue 174 - Royal New Zealand Navy

Aug-Sep 2013, Issue 174 - Royal New Zealand Navy

Aug-Sep 2013, Issue 174 - Royal New Zealand Navy


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Opposite page left: CDR Melissa Ross, co-chair of the Women’sDevelopment Steering Group, speaking at the forumMiddle: LMT(L) Logan McRae and LHCM Tiffany Kalin brainstorming at thestart of a syndicate session.Above: The keynote address by Hon Judith Collins.report, which was followed by the ADF reps, who spoke about theefforts to change that have been made since.Internal contributions included presentations from different parts ofthe organisation, including a programme segment called ‘HerStory’,sharing experiences from around the Defence Force. CPOCH MelDixon spoke for the <strong>Navy</strong>, recounting the challenges of being marriedwith children and remaining seagoing and how you can overcomethese with teamwork and understanding, thriving in your chosencareer.The forum included two workshops. Participants were asked topicture how they would like the NZDF to look in 2035, and thentackle some of the organisational challenges that are preventing usfrom getting there. This gave attendees the opportunity to interactwith people from the other services and hear some examples ofchallenges they might have faced, or simply get new perspectivesabout what needed to change.The highlights for <strong>Navy</strong> representatives included the servicewomenwho shared their stories and the opportunity to meet women fromacross Defence who have had positive and interesting careers. Theforum provided the opportunity to consider our own positions,especially regarding the people we influence in our daily behaviour(knowingly or not) and how we promote ethical and diversebehaviour in our every action.As we progress into the future, we need to ensure that all partsof the <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> population recognise our strengths and theopportunities we offer, so that we continue to maximise our recruitsand maintain our strengths into the future.Quotes from the forum:“It is important for the NZDF to capitalise on diversity inorder to broaden our recruiting pool and enhance ouroperational capability.”LT Nick Foster“Embracing and managing diversity is increasingly importantas society changes. The NZDF needs to keep up and not beleft behind.”LT Nick Foster“The HerStories were moving and demonstrate the high calibreof women we have in all three services. Each had a differentcareer path and had faced different challenges, personallyand professionally, but their dignity and strength of characterstood out.”CDR Maxine Lawes“The forum was enjoyable. There wasn’t any man bashing.People have negative opinions or suspicions about the forumbecause they don’t understand what it is about, so it would begreat to get more there next time.”AMT(L) Hayley GledhillWOMEN’S DEVELOPMENT FORUM15

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