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able to make these without eyesight ?How lone ago did you lose it ?"" Host both my eyes," she replied,"hefore I was two years old."I turned to her husband in surprise,and asked:" Did you marry her blind ? Wereyou not afraid to undertake the care ofher?""The care of Molly," said the man,with a merry laugh; " why, she mademy fortune ? I never had any thingI could call my own till I marriedher, and now we live snug enough."'Then he went on to expatiate uponhis treasure, Molly." Why, you see how tidy she keepsmei She cuts, and makes, and mendsall my clothes. I don't find any shoeseasy to me but Molly's. Then if shewants to go any where, she's only totake hold of my arm and I lead her.I like to bring Molly down town, andwe sell a few shoes, just to amuse usand help us along. It makes me ableto get her all the little notions shewants."This man, whom I had approachedas a disconsolate beggar, was speakingwith animation, and a countenancefairly radiant with satisfaction; andthe object beside him I thought so forlorn,her sightless face glowed withthe" Siveet and merry gnsBhioe of affection*8 gentlelight.That never wears a sullen cloud, and fadeth notin night"Here was most poetically illustratedthe foundation sentiment of matrimonialhappiness—reciprocation, interchange of kindness. Molly found herhappiness in clothing her husband, andadding to his means by making shoes.The husband found his in leading hisbenighted Molly abont and supplyingher wants. Homely as is the guise ofthis feithful pair, there is more of romancein their history and intercourse,than in connections where gifted youthand beauty, are bartered for gold andposition." But," said I to Molly, " do yonever feel unhappy in being deprivedof sight?"CONTENTMENT. 41" O no ; I never grieved about thatmuch since I came to feel that all wasright. I can always busy myself aboutsomething. Now, too, we are on thedownhill side of life. My husband, Iam sure, is a good man ; I seek to bea good woman. After he has laid afew more in their narrow honse weshall follow, and in my long home Ishall see."I no longer wonder over the unequallydistributed gifts of God's providence,but admire that principle ofcompensation which places happinesswithin the reach of all, independent ofgifts or circumstances. Its springs arein the inner man and flow outward.The morale of this, day's lesson I willwrite thus: '' Godliness with contentmentis great gain."—Mothers' Magazine.—Christ said: " He who is hot withme is against me." Hereby may eachman see plainly, whether or not, he bewithout sin, and whether or not, he becommiting sin, and what sin is, andhow sin ought to be atoned for, andwherewith it may be healed. Andthis contradiction to God's will is whatwe call, and is, disobedience. Andtherefore Adam, the I. the self, selfwill,sin, or the old man, the turningaside or departing from God, do allmean one and the same thing,—Tauler.—We need not so much to seek todo soniething religious as to do ordinarything.i in a religious manner, cultivatinghigh and loving thoughts ofGod, while we do our work, and seekingto do it weU where no eyes areupon us, from the view of pleasingHim ; and in all our services to our fellow-menthinking of the Image of God,which lies hidden and overlaid with rubbishin their souls, as in onrs; and of theenormous price of Christ's blood whichwas paid down for all, showing how highmust have been God's estimate of them.I believe we shal! never regret anyamount of pains taken in doing commonthings as unto the Lord, and instriving to evince love to Him bymeans of them.— Goulburn.

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