Developing a research capability

Developing a research capability

Developing a research capability

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• preparation for this submission will include (non-assessed) discussion betweenparticipants about the seminar.Relates to Outcomes i), ii), iii), iv) 20%.Assessment 2A <strong>research</strong> proposal (2,000 – 3,000 words) which will include:• an abstract or summary;• a statement of background and purpose relating the proposed work to the participantsown professional context;• evidence of a literature search designed to contextualise the proposed <strong>research</strong>;• a statement of aims and objectives;• a rationale for the <strong>research</strong> design;• clarification of any ethical, logistic or other problems which may arise during the<strong>research</strong> process or in the application of results;• a statement of resource requirements;• a time-scale for work elements and completion.Participants will be strongly encouraged to engage in (non-assessed) discussion with eachother and others with knowledge of the field, in order to complete this exercise. A written A4page outline will be required for discussion and review 4 weeks before the deadline forproposal submission.Relates to Outcomes iii), iv), vi), vii) 50%.f Key learning resourcesReading List:Some elements of the reading list are likely to vary according to the specific interests anddisciplines of participants.Core:Bell, J., Doing Your Research Project, Buckingham, Open University Press, 1997.Bryman, A. (ed), Doing Research in Organisations, London, Routledge, 1988.Carr, W., For Education: Towards Critical Education Inquiry, Buckingham, Open UniversityPress, 1995.Cooper, H.M., Integrating Research: A Guide for Literature Reviews, London, Sage, 1989.Greenfield, A., (1996) Research Methods: Guidance for Postgraduates, Arnold, London.Robson, C., Real World Research, Oxford, Blackwells, 1996.Recommended:Diamond, W.J., (1981) Practical Experimental Designs for Engineering and Science, VanNostrand Reinhold, New York.John, J.A. & Quenouille, M.H. (1977), Experiments: Design and Analysis, Griffin, London.Pocock, S. (1983), Clinical Trials: A Practical Approach, John Wiley, Chichester.Shipman, M.D., The Limitations of Social Research, London, Longman, 1988.Walker, R., & Schratz, M., Research as Social Change, London, Routledge, 1995.Journals:Recommended journals are also likely to vary according to each cohort of participants.However, key journals would include:

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