Distributed Intrusion Detection System Using P2P Agent Mining ...

Distributed Intrusion Detection System Using P2P Agent Mining ...

Distributed Intrusion Detection System Using P2P Agent Mining ...

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Vol 5. No. 2, March, 2012 ISSN 2006-1781African Journal of Computing & ICT© 2012 Afr J Comp & ICT – All Rights Reservedwww.ajocict.netThis establishment is described by the unified modellinglanguage in figure 3 that presents the activities of agents anddata mining. The analogy shows cooperative and symbioticcharacteristics that exist among agents and data mining withthe target of achieving a common purpose. This process is aniterative one involving search procedure.Table 2: Artificial Neural Networks AnalysisData Metrics MLP (Hidden RBF (Iteration)TypeLayer)1 2 1 2Time(s) 237.81 357.84 12.39 12.88Accuracy(%) 97.7135 98.9862 86.4754 90.0129DoSTP Rate 0.977 0.99 0.865 0.9FP Rate 0.036 0.006 0.105 0.085Time(s) 137.91 212.6 11.01 10.58Accuracy(%) 98.8906 99.168 94.792 94.7304Figure 2. EM Cluster of KDD Cup dataThe second level which precedes the topmost level of systemcomposition is made up of dedicated and specialized agentsthat cooperate and communicate in continuous fashion togenerate host based and network based intrusion detectionsystem. They lack mobility feature. The organization of thisagent is perfectly decentralized, no dedicated central server.All of them are important in their own wise. This ability isenshrined in peer-to-peer scheme.The second level which precedes the topmost level of systemcomposition is made up of dedicated and specialized agentsthat cooperate and communicate in continuous fashion togenerate host based and network based intrusion detectionsystem. They lack mobility feature. The organization of thisagent is perfectly decentralized, no dedicated central server.All of them are important in their own wise. This ability isenshrined in peer-to-peer schemeAt the highest level of composition, different intrusiondetection systems are involved. They cooperate, communicateand move about to detect and report threat. The p2porganization of the intrusion detection systems offersscalability advantage. The system on the overall enables peerto-peerthreat and vulnerability detection, insider threatdetection, fault tolerance and recovery and intrusionprevention.ProbeR2LU2RTP Rate 0.989 0.992 0.948 0.947FP Rate 0.015 0.028 0.009 0.419Time(s) 116.97 176.59 10.82 10.63Accuracy(%) 98.3184 98.5706 87.2478 90.639TP Rate 0.983 0.986 0.872 0.906FP Rate 0.033 0.033 0.043 0.039Time(s) 98.61 154.76 10.22 10.17Accuracy(%) 99.6934 99.7274 99.3186 99.3186TP Rate 0.997 0.997 0.993 0.993FP Rate 0.397 0.397 0.993 0.9937

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