DIABLO Paintballs - Paintball Solutions

DIABLO Paintballs - Paintball Solutions

DIABLO Paintballs - Paintball Solutions

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Issue Date: October 15, 2007MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET1. Product IdentificationProduct Name: Diablo <strong><strong>Paintball</strong>s</strong>Description: Soft gelatin capsules containing colored liquidManufacturer’s Name:KEE Action Sports11399 47th Street NorthClearwater, Florida 33762Emergency Telephone Number: 1800-724-68222. Hazardous IngredientsHazardous Components: NoneMaterials contained in this product are classified as non-hazardous according tothe definitions set forth in 29 CFR 1910.12003. Physical DataAppearance: Spherical solid capsule containing colored liquidOdor: CharacteristicVapor Pressure: LowVapor Density: Not DeterminedBoiling Point: Decomposes before boilingSolubility in Water: AppreciableSpecific Gravity of Liquid: 1.12 – 1.15 @ 25/25° C1

4. Fire and Explosion HazardsFlash Point: > 232° C (450° F) PMCCAutoignition Temperature: Not DeterminedFlammability Limits: LEL: Not DeterminedUEL: Not DeterminedExtinguishing Media: Dry chemical, foam, or CO2Hazardous Combustion Products: Under fire conditions polymersdecompose. The smoke may contain polymer fragments of varyingcompositions in addition to unidentified toxic and/or irritatingcompounds. Hazardous combustion products may include and are notlimited to: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide or nitrogen oxides.Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: None known5. Reactivity HazardsChemical Stability: StableIncompatibility: Avoid contact with strong acids and oxidizing materials.Hazardous decomposition products: May include and are not limited to:aldehydes, ketones, organic acids, and polymer fragments.Hazardous polymerization: Will not occurProduct is stable under normal use and storage conditions.6. Health HazardsEye: May cause slight transient (temporary) eye irritation. Corneal injury isunlikely.Skin: Prolonged or repeated exposure not likely to cause significant skinirritation. May cause more severe response if skin is abraded. Asingle prolonged exposure is not likely to result in material beingabsorbed through skin in harmful amounts. No allergic skin reactionsare known to have occurred.Ingestion: Single dose oral toxicity is considered to be extremely low. NoHazards anticipated from swallowing small amounts incidental to normalhandling operations.Inhalation: Not hazardousCarcinogenity: NTP: no, IRAC: no, OSHA: noChronic Effects: None knownFirst Aid Procedures: Flush effected skin and eyes with plenty of water.Seek medical attention in case of ingestion, do not induce vomiting.2

7. Spill ProceduresHazard Ratings:NFPAHealth 0Flammability 0Reactivity 0Protective equipment: Safety glassesSpills: Solids and liquids may be swept or scooped up and placed in plastic ormetal containers for disposal. Dispose of materials according to applicablefederal, state and local regulations. Non-hazardous waste under RCRAregulations.8. Handling and Special PrecautionsHandling and storage: Product should be kept in original containers or othersuitable containers and protected from excessive exposure to air, heat, andlight.9. RegulatorySARA 313 Title III: Not regulatedTSCA: All ingredients are listed on the TSCA inventory.DOT: Not HazardousOSHA: Not HazardousWHMIS Classification (Canada): Not a “Controlled Product”NOTICE: The information herein is presented in good faith and believed to beaccurate as of the effective date. However, no warranty, express or implied isgiven.3

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