BG In Essence - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

BG In Essence - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

BG In Essence - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

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devotees, is the Supreme Absolute Truth. Those who have faith in speculation (jnananistha)follow the Upanisads. They say the highest truth is the impersonal Brahman.And those who are karma-paramah (devoted to pious deeds) follow the three Vedas.They say the Supersoul (Hiranyagarbha) is the highest truth. [NB: according to Bg6.3, the mystic yoga system includes karma- yoga in its aruruksa or beginning phase;at the arudha or advanced platform, karma is given up and the yogi simply meditatesupon the Lord in the heart.]4. Therefore Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.11 states, "Learned transcendentalists who knowthe Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan."The following verse appears in the Vedas (Chandogya Upanisad 8.12.3): tavad esasamprasado 'mac charirat samutthaya param jyoti-rupam sampadya svenarupenabhinispadyate sa uttamah purusah. "The Supersoul coming out of the bodyenters the impersonal brahmajyoti; then in His form He remains in His spiritualidentity. That Supreme is called the Supreme Personality." This means that theSupreme Personality is exhibiting and diffusing His spiritual effulgence, which isthe ultimate illumination. That Supreme Personality also has a localized aspectas Paramatma. By incarnating Himself as the son of Satyavati and Parasara, Heexplains the Vedic knowledge as Vyasadeva.Notes:1. Krsna's eternal form is the basis of the brahmajyoti.Bg 14.27:And I am the basis of the impersonal Brahman, which is immortal,imperishable and eternal and is the constitutional position of ultimatehappiness.2. That Krsna consciousness is beyond Brahman realization is illustrated byChandogya 8.12.3, quoted in full from Baladeva Vidyabhusana's Vedanta-sutracommentary for Vs IV.4.1.evam evaisa samprasado 'smac charirat samuttaya param jyotirupasampadya svena rupen abhinispadyate sa uttama purusah sa tatraparyeti jaksan kridan ramamanah stribhir va yanair va jnatibhir sanopajanam smarann idam sariram sa yatha prayogya acarane yuktaevam evayam asmic charire prano yuktahHe through whose grace this released soul, arising from his last body,and having approached the Highest Light, is restored to his own formis the Highest Person (Uttama Purusa). The mukta moves about therelaughing, playing, and rejoicing, with women, with carriages, withother muktas of his own period or of the past kalpas. So great is hisecstacy that he does remember even the person standing near him, noreven his own body. And as a charioteer is appointed by his master todrive the carriage, just so it the prana appointed to drive this chariot ofthe body.

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