Palliative Care Video List - Pain Resource Center

Palliative Care Video List - Pain Resource Center

Palliative Care Video List - Pain Resource Center

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Last Spring: Stories of Hospice 46 minutes Although revolutionary improvements in medicineconstantly fuel hopes for cures, there are times when life simply cannot be prolonged. Enter hospice:end-of-life care designed to provide pain and symptom relief for the patient and support for both thepatient and family. This program features case studies of people who have decided to take the hospiceapproach to their final weeks of life, in order to take control of the dying process and to gain a peacefulsense of closure. Films for the Humanities & Sciences <strong>Video</strong> $129, Rental $75Laughing Matters 30 minutes Designed to help you see the humor in life while you learn importantpoints about managing stress and putting unpleasant events in their proper perspective. Our threeexperts, Dr. Robert Eliot, the author who coined the phrase, "Don't sweat the small stuff...it's all smallstuff," Steve Allen, Jr., M.D., son of comedian Steve Allen, and Loretta LaRoche, star of her own PBSspecial, "The Joy of Stress" teaches you. As Loretta LaRoche puts it, "You are a joke but you just don'tget it." After watching this video you will. Hosted by Stuart McCalley, M.D., an Assistant ClinicalProfessor at the Yale University School of Medicine. AudioVision <strong>Video</strong> $99http://www.stressstop.com/Laughter Therapy Four Candid Camera videos are mailed to the patient. When the first video isreturned, the second is sent. The process continues until all four videos have been viewed and returned.Laughter Therapy (funded by Allen Funt) • Candid Camera, Inc. • PO Box 827 • Monterey, CA 93942 •http://candidcamera.comLearning About Dying: Death, the Final Stage of Growth 20 minutes This program provides aphilosophical appreciation for the scope of human existence from birth to death, emphasizing that deathis the natural ending to life. Insight Media $179 http://www.insight-media.comLess <strong>Pain</strong>, More Love 30 minutes This video teaches parents and child caregivers what it means to helpchildren through an illness or an injury. Children are totally dependent upon adults to protect them frompain. If you are a parent, do you really understand what it means to advocate for your child? This videooffers the viewer the experiences and wisdom of parents and professionals from some of the world’smost well known pediatric institutions. Aquarius Productions, Inc. #CHILESS $79Letting Go: A Hospice Journey 90 minutes For terminally ill patients and their families, hospice canprovide an opportunity to find comfort, companionship, and peace in the weeks, days, hours, andmoments before death. Taking an intimate look at three patients—an eight-year-old boy with anincurable brain disease, a 46-year-old woman with lung cancer, and a 62-year-old man with aninoperable brain tumor—this program shows how hospice care helps them cope with fear and pain inthe final stages of their lives, and prepares loved ones for their imminent loss. In addition to extensivefootage of the hospice patients and their families, the program sheds light on the decision-makingprocess of the doctors, nurses, chaplains, social workers, and volunteers involved in the hospice. Filmsfor the Humanities & Sciences APW6284 <strong>Video</strong> $149, Rental $75Leukemia 19 minutes This program explains how this cancer spreads through the body. It distinguishesbetween acute and chronic leukemia; covers the history of leukemia treatments from chemotherapythrough the combination of chemotherapy and radiation, to bone marrow transplants and new devicesand techniques for diagnosing and treating the illness; explains that more than half of today’s youngleukemia patients will be cured; and shows how a patient copes with chronic leukemia. Films for theHumanities BKT7753 <strong>Video</strong> $129; Rental $75<strong>Video</strong> list Page 39 of 68Rev 09

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