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Discovering Boston’s Civil Rights Story! What were the conditions in Boston Public Schools in 1963 for African American families?! What were the concerns of Boston’s families of color?Materials:Excerpts from the June 11, 1963 Boston Public School Committee meeting.Student Activities:1. As a preview to the issues of desegregation of Boston Public schools students should consider thefollowing questions:! Is there liberty and justice for all?! What happens to a dream deferred?! What are the conditions in Boston Public Schools, or any schools today, that need to beaddressed?2. Reading the statement read by Ruth Batson and the testimony of Mrs. Loon, students can analyze thesedocuments to answer the questions:! What were the conditions in Boston Public Schools in 1963 for African American families?! What were the concerns of Boston’s families of color?3. Students may write an op-ed piece that considers the question posed over forty years ago by Noel Day:“Why are our schools in Boston segregated?”50101 Walnut Street, Watertown, MA 02472 * 617.923.9933 * www.primarysource.org

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