Order of St. Raphael Study Guide - Magdalene Circle

Order of St. Raphael Study Guide - Magdalene Circle

Order of St. Raphael Study Guide - Magdalene Circle

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into fluid flowing light and pours into the heart center <strong>of</strong> the person, blessing them. (This cycle shouldbe fairly swift and not drawn out too long, as the key work is done during the laying on <strong>of</strong> hands.)During the giving and receiving, let your hand form the sign <strong>of</strong> prayer over your heart center,palms pressed together gathering light-power.Go to the side <strong>of</strong> the person you are working with, and lay hands on them, your right hand on theirforehead or brow center and your left hand on their belly or navel center. As you exhale, envision thehealing power <strong>of</strong> light flowing out from the spiritual sun through your right hand and envision thenegative energy drawn up into the spiritual sun through your left hand – continue this until all darknessor negativity is dispelled from the person’s body and their entire body is filled with Divine Light.It a practitioner is left handed, then the instructions are reversed, as their left hand is the“active” or “sending hand” and their right hand is the “passive” or “receiving hand” – an so it isin all energy work for them.After laying on hand, bring your hands again into the sign <strong>of</strong> prayer over your heart center and begin tointone IAO – as you intone this divine name, let your hands move to a gesture <strong>of</strong> blessing, palms facingout and down, directing the energy <strong>of</strong> the intonement into the person you are working with. When youdo this, envision a sphere <strong>of</strong> white brilliance above you, diamond-like light sparkling with rainbowhues, and envision it flowing down though the top <strong>of</strong> your head, pervading your body, and flowing out<strong>of</strong> your hands into the person.When this cycle is complete, make the sign <strong>of</strong> the cross over the person and then turn your palmsupward and intone Hallelu Yah three times, and then Amin. *"Amin" is used for purposes <strong>of</strong>intonement.(At this point you may wish to anoint the person on the brow, throat and heart in the name <strong>of</strong> theLiving Father, Spiritual Sun and Mother Spirit – or saying, “Be blessed by the Divine Truth, Divine Lightand Divine Spirit, amen.” If you anoint the person holy oil should be used that has previously beenblessed.)Close with a prayer <strong>of</strong> praise and thanksgiving, and the extension <strong>of</strong> blessings and grace to all beings –the wish for all beings to be healthy and happy.At times, to strengthen this healing practice initiates will envision the image <strong>of</strong> the Virgin Mother, LordYeshua, Lady Mirya or <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raphael</strong> above their head throughout the working – in which case thedescent <strong>of</strong> white brilliance is envisioned flowing from the heart center <strong>of</strong> the Partzuf. Alternatively, tostrengthen this practice, having generated the light-body, the initiate will envision their light-bodymagically transforming into the light-image <strong>of</strong> the Partzuf, and perform the healing self-generated asthe Partzuf – this can prove very powerful.24

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