the seventy weeks of daniel - End Time Message

the seventy weeks of daniel - End Time Message

the seventy weeks of daniel - End Time Message


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The Seventy Weeks <strong>of</strong> Daniel<strong>Message</strong> Quick Reference GuideSOME SUPPORTING STATEMENTS FROM THE MESSENGER:1. “MIDST” OR MIDDLE OF THE WEEK (7 YEARS TRIBULATION) POINTSTO THE KILLING OF MOSES AND ELIJAH :“Now, AFTER THAT SEVENTIETH WEEK here—<strong>the</strong> seventieth week... Thisgoes on during this seventieth week. And <strong>the</strong> three in <strong>the</strong> MIDDLE OF IT, HEbreaks it, because HE KILLS those TWO Pentecostal prophets (Yes, sir.) thatsmites <strong>the</strong> earth.” (SEVENTY.WEEKS.OF.DANIEL.title JEFF.IN DA 89-141 61-0806)2. THE 7-YEAR COVENANT OF ROME WITH ALL NATIONS ANDRELIGIONS OF THE WORLD STARTS WHEN THE CHURCH GOES UP(RAPTURED)“When <strong>the</strong> CHURCH GOES UP, <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> CONFEDERATION, <strong>the</strong> sleeping virgins:Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, lukewarm Pentecost, ALL <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m TOGETHER were <strong>the</strong>confederation, which <strong>the</strong>y’ve already got <strong>the</strong>ir big regime now... And when <strong>the</strong>y do, <strong>the</strong>y’llMAKE a COVENANT that will... Now, his NEW POPE that we got now wants to bring <strong>the</strong>m allin. Can’t you see <strong>the</strong> thing heaping right up? Going to give a talk on it and bring <strong>the</strong>m all in—first time for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds <strong>of</strong> years, a thousand years or two it’sever been done. But now, he’s to BRING <strong>the</strong>m ALL in toge<strong>the</strong>r and make a CONFEDERATION,and in <strong>the</strong>re <strong>the</strong> Jews will accept it.” (SEVENTY.WEEKS.OF.DANIEL.title JEFF.IN DA 89-141 61-0806)3. ROME WILL TAKE OVER THE GOVERNMENT OF THE JEWSDURING THE LAST PART OF THE 7-YEAR TRIBULATION PERIOD46. Bro<strong>the</strong>r Branham, you said that ROME would TAKE <strong>the</strong> government<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Jews at <strong>the</strong> LAST three and a half years. That is going... The—THE FIRSTthree and one-half years <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> TRIBULATION OR will it be THE LAST three and ahalf years? Is this correct? It will be <strong>the</strong> LAST three and one-half years (That’sright.), not <strong>the</strong> first, ‘cause it’s already passed. (QA.ON.THE.SEALS.title JEFF.IN 63-0324M)<strong>the</strong> system falls. The Jews will be trapped and come into <strong>the</strong> alliance, and <strong>the</strong>harlot church will take over <strong>the</strong> whole world.” (314-1 PHILADELPHIAN.CHURCH.AGE -CHURCH.AGE.BOOK.CPT.8 )5. SEVEN YEARS COVENANT WITH ANTICHRIST CUT SHORTDaniel 12 verses 12 and 13, we find an interesting time frame <strong>of</strong> 75 daysremaining right after Moses and Elijah are taken up (raptured) as written in Revelation11:11-12 from <strong>the</strong>ir three and one-half years <strong>of</strong> ministry to <strong>the</strong> 144,000 Jews: “And after threedays and an half <strong>the</strong> Spirit <strong>of</strong> life from God entered into <strong>the</strong>m, and <strong>the</strong>y stood upon <strong>the</strong>ir feet;and great fear fell upon <strong>the</strong>m which saw <strong>the</strong>m. And <strong>the</strong>y heard a great voice from heavensaying unto <strong>the</strong>m, Come up hi<strong>the</strong>r. And <strong>the</strong>y ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and <strong>the</strong>irenemies beheld <strong>the</strong>m.”The continuation <strong>of</strong> this event is found in DANIEL 12:11-13, “And from <strong>the</strong> time[that] <strong>the</strong> daily [sacrifice] shall be taken away, and <strong>the</strong> abomination that maketh desolate setup, [<strong>the</strong>re shall be] a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed [is] he thatwaiteth, and cometh to <strong>the</strong> thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.” [ 1,335DAY minus 1,260 DAY = 75 DAYS ] “But go thou thy way till <strong>the</strong> end [be]: for thou shalt rest,and stand in thy lot at <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> days.”It looks like <strong>the</strong> remaining half <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> one-week covenant <strong>of</strong> God with <strong>the</strong> AntiChristwill be cut short to 75 days to give way to <strong>the</strong> Millennial Kingdom. Within this remaining 75days will transpire <strong>the</strong> Third World War (Rev. 16:16), ten communist nations (ten horns) willbomb <strong>the</strong> Vatican (Rev. 17:16), <strong>the</strong> Russian and Arab countries will attack Israel (Ezekiel 38),and Jesus comes down with His bride to introduce Himself to <strong>the</strong> 144,000. And <strong>the</strong>n Jesuswill remain on this earth after <strong>the</strong> Armageddon War for <strong>the</strong> Millennial Kingdom in His “Son <strong>of</strong>David” ministry.Cut Short to75 days4. ROME WILL MAKE A COVENANT WITH THE JEWS AFTER THERAPTURE“And AFTER <strong>the</strong> CHURCH is taken AWAY, Rome and—and <strong>the</strong> Jews willmake a COVENANT with one ano<strong>the</strong>r. The Bible said <strong>the</strong>y would, with <strong>the</strong> holy people.And now notice, <strong>the</strong>y’ll make it, because why? This nation is going to be busted, and <strong>the</strong> rest<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world that’s on <strong>the</strong> gold standard is busted. You know that. If we’re living <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> taxes,due bills for forty years from now, where are we at? There’s only one thing can happen.That’s to call in <strong>the</strong> currency and pay <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> bonds; and we can’t do it. Wall Street owns<strong>the</strong>m, and Wall Street’s controlled by <strong>the</strong> Jews; <strong>the</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> it’s in <strong>the</strong> Vatican, and <strong>the</strong> Jewshas got <strong>the</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> it in Wall Street with <strong>the</strong> commerce <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world.” (FIRST.SEAL.THE.title JEFF.IN63-0318 )“For <strong>the</strong> church system <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Roman Catholic and <strong>the</strong> Protestant in comingTOGETHER will control <strong>the</strong> whole wealth <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world system and force <strong>the</strong> whole earth intoits religious TRAP, or will kill <strong>the</strong>m, by refusing <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong> privilege <strong>of</strong> buying and sellingwhereby <strong>the</strong>y would make a living. This will be accomplished simply, for <strong>the</strong> harlot’s daughtersare all but gone back to her. In <strong>the</strong> meantime, Rome has acquired nearly all <strong>the</strong> supplies <strong>of</strong>gold. The Jews have <strong>the</strong> bonds and all <strong>the</strong> paper. At <strong>the</strong> right time, <strong>the</strong> harlot will destroy <strong>the</strong>present day money system by calling in all <strong>the</strong> paper, and demanding gold. With no gold,423 424

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