Thailand Tiger Action Plan - Global Tiger Initiative

Thailand Tiger Action Plan - Global Tiger Initiative

Thailand Tiger Action Plan - Global Tiger Initiative


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4.2 Ensure that basic concepts of the tiger’s ecological and cultural significance become part of <strong>Thailand</strong>’s standard curriculum at several educational levels4.2.1 Work with Ministry of Education toinclude specific learning goals inboth primary and secondarystandard curricula.<strong>Tiger</strong> conservation included in theschool curriculumReports of the MoUimplementationbetween MoNRE andMoEx x x x x x x x x x x x4.3 Ensure that co-benefit of tiger landscape conservation are understood and appreciated4.3.1 Quantify ecosystem service valuesand use the information tocommunicate the broader values oftiger conservation landscape.Ecosystem service valuesquantified;information in the publicdomainDNP ecosystemservices publications;media productionbroadcastedx x x x x x x x x x x x5 Strategic financing for tiger conservation5.1 Identify the costs of effective tiger conservation, current expenditures, and efficiency of these expenditures5.1.1 Baseline study of protected areacosts and efficiency of currentexpenditures.Cost of conservation identified Study reports x x x x x x x x x x x x5.2 Make use of large scale funding opportunities such as GEF 5, REDD, other programs to fund tiger conservation efforts5.2.1 Utilize GEF 5 programmatic fundingopportunity to secure additionalnational funding for tiger landscapeconservation support.Numbers of proposals submitted Numbers ofproposals fundedx x x x x x x x x x x x5.2.2 Develop full REDD+ fundingstrategy for the Dawna TenasserimLandscape.Funding strategy developed; numbersof proposals submittedNumbers ofproposals fundedx x x x x x x x x x x x5.3 Develop sustainable funding mechanisms5.3.1 Identify potential payment forecosystem services mechanismand develop pilot projects todemonstrate their values.Ecosystem services mechanismsidentified; numbers of projects, areas,and activitiesNumbers of pilotprojectsimplemented; DNPproject reportsx x x x x x x x x x x x

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