Cobb Focus Three 2011 (English)

Cobb Focus Three 2011 (English)

Cobb Focus Three 2011 (English)


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S E M I N A R S A R O U N D T H E W O R L DSeminars are a very useful way of updating customers with the latest technical advice, as well as enabling them to share experiencesand make new contacts. We report on the series of seminars organised by <strong>Cobb</strong> and our distributors through recent months.Out and about in FrieslandAs part of the commitment to provideworld-leading support to customers, <strong>Cobb</strong>Europe hosted their technical seminar inFriesland in northern Holland.Our customers did us proud andwe had excellent representationfrom grandparent distributorsand parent stock customers,writes Euan Meldrum, <strong>Cobb</strong>Europe marketing manager.Delegates came from all parts of theEurope – Middle East – Africa region fromIreland to Saudi Arabia and Sweden toSouth Africa. The programme was devisedfor them to learn about specific aspects ofpoultry production with practical visits andpresentations each day,The first day coveredindustry matters aroundthe world along witheconomics of poultryproduction. Days two andthree saw the delegatessplit into broiler orbreeder groups andcovering hatchery andproduction. The daysfollowing covered healthand ventilation, includinga visit to the PluimveepraktijkNoord & Oost( N o r t h a n d E a s t o fHolland Poultry Practice)for practical demonstrations.The 18 members of the <strong>Cobb</strong> ‘family’ whogave presentations during the five-dayevent were joined by twoindustry experts - Dr RonMeijerhof who spoke about theeffect on incubation on broilerperformance and Dr TonyMarangos on optimal broilernutrition for the <strong>Cobb</strong> products.Capturing the lifestyle in Friesland, thegroup learned how much the sea and canalsinfluence the day-to-day activities oflocal people and enjoyed an afternoon’scompetitive sailing, with graduation anddinner in the historic capital of the region,Leeuwarden, on the final evening.Czech group visits headquartersA visit to the <strong>Cobb</strong>-Vantress headquarters in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, USA, providedPavel Visek and Milos Zima (pictured fourth and third from right) from the Xavergengroup in the Czech Republic with an insight into how the company is expanding to meetgrowing demand for the <strong>Cobb</strong> 500.The visitors discussed with <strong>Cobb</strong>’s senior management group the changing marketsaround the world and its increasinginvestment in both research andproduction facilities, helping to securethe continuing advance in breeder andbroiler performance. They also saw USproduction facilities in Missouri.Mr Truscott commented: “I’mextremely pleased that our customer inthe Czech Republic is achieving 141chicks per breeder and sees the demandfor <strong>Cobb</strong> broilers increasing so thatmore breeders are being placed.’’6Middle East seminarfocuses on successin hot climateThe challenges of successful broilergrowing in a hot climate was the theme ofa <strong>Cobb</strong> Europe seminar for 40 Middle Eastcustomers in the Mzaar mountain resort inLebanon.<strong>Cobb</strong> Europe sales and technical directorPelayo Casanovas, the first of eightspeakers, spoke about how <strong>Cobb</strong> serves theglobal market and how its products aregaining share in the European, Middle Eastand African region.Regional sales manager MohammedChail gave an update on the markets withinthe Middle East, then <strong>Cobb</strong> geneticist GosseVeninga looked into what to expect from<strong>Cobb</strong> products in the future.Technical topics from the <strong>Cobb</strong> Europeteam made up the majority of thepresentations with Mark Foote from the UKdiscussing incubation principles andfactors influencing broiler performance.Broiler nutrition was covered by consultantDr Tony Marangos, while <strong>Cobb</strong> Europetechnical manager Matthew Wilson sharedglobal experiences on growing broilers in afeed efficient and successful way.<strong>Cobb</strong> Europe veterinarian Dr AndreDerkx talked about disease preventionmeasures and how to ‘read the signs’ ofinfectious viral diseases and vaccinationprograms, getting the right one for eachcircumstance.<strong>Cobb</strong> regional technical managerMohamad Kallas commented: “I amdelighted to have so many of ourcustomers with us in Lebanon. The groupgained knowledge not only from mycolleagues but also from each other, facingsimilar conditions and challenges in theirown markets.”

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