NICEIC Hazardous Areas Guide

NICEIC Hazardous Areas Guide

NICEIC Hazardous Areas Guide


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Extension to enrolmentOutcome of an application assessmentA completed application assessment will result inthe Area Engineer making one of the followingrecommendations to <strong>NICEIC</strong> Head Office:Extension to be grantedAn extension of enrolment will be recommended bythe Area Engineer if the business is compliant withthe Rules. The scope of the extension will bedetailed in a schedule forming part of the 'Extensionto Enrolment' certificateA periodic assessment plan will need to beestablished by the Area Engineer, based on therange, scale and geographical spread of thehazardous area work undertaken. Periodicassessments are carried out in a similar manner tothe application assessment visits, usually involving avisit to the contracting office and an appropriatenumber of on-site assessment visitsApplication to be deferredIf the business does not currently satisfy the <strong>NICEIC</strong>Rules, but is likely to do so after it has addressedthe noncompliances identified in the AssessmentReports, the Area Engineer will recommend thatfurther consideration of the application is deferredShould the business wish to continue with itsapplication after addressing the non-compliances,one or more further assessment visits will normallybe necessary, for which an additional charge ismade. (Exceptionally, a further assessment visitwould not be required if the business canprovide appropriate documentary evidence toconfirm that all non-compliances have beensatisfactorily addressed).However, any non-compliance relating to thetechnical standard of electrical work or theresponsibilities of the Qualified Supervisor(<strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Areas</strong>) would necessitate afurther assessment visit)If a further assessment visit or visits are considerednecessary, the Area Engineer will give an indicationof the extent of re-assessment requiredApplication to be rejectedThis is recommended if the Area Engineer considersthat the business will be unable to comply with the<strong>NICEIC</strong> Rules in respect to hazardous area work. Ifthe business is eligible to re-apply for an extension toenrolment, a fresh application may be considered,usually after a period of six months has elapsedThe final stageThe decision on the outcome of an applicationassessment rests with <strong>NICEIC</strong> Head Office. Thebusiness will be informed of the decision in writingas soon as possible. The business may appealagainst the decision if it is considered to be unfairExtension to enrolmentOnce the enrolment process has been satisfactorilycompleted, an <strong>NICEIC</strong> Extension to EnrolmentCertificate will be issued and the business can bepromoted as having been assessed by the <strong>NICEIC</strong>for electrical work in the hazardous areas coveredby the scope of the certificate. The extension toenrolment will be published in all forms of the<strong>NICEIC</strong> Roll of Approved Contractors andConforming Bodies, which is used by specifiersand the public to select competent electricalcontractorsSubject to certain conditions, the business will beeligible to display the distinctive <strong>NICEIC</strong> Registrationand Certification Marks, and purchase the <strong>NICEIC</strong>certificate and report forms appropriate to the rangeof hazardous area work within the scope of itsextension to enrolment<strong>Guide</strong> to extension of enrolment21

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