The Deviation Constraint - Université catholique de Louvain

The Deviation Constraint - Université catholique de Louvain

The Deviation Constraint - Université catholique de Louvain


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An assignment A is said to be down-centered when:{= Xmaxif XA(X)max ≤ s(A)/n≥ s(A)/n otherwiseIn other words, each variable with maximum domain value smaller than the meanof the assigned values takes its maximum domain value and the other variablestake values larger than the mean of the assigned values.Example 2. Consi<strong>de</strong>ring the variables and domains of Example 1, the followingassignment is up-centered with mean 17/4:A(X 1 ) = 8, A(X 2 ) = 4, A(X 3 ) = 2, A(X 4 ) = 3.<strong>The</strong>orem 3. An assignment is an optimal solution to the problem of finding Dif and only if it is a down-centered assignment or an up-centered assignment ofmean m.Proof. (if) Given an assignment A of mean m i.e. s(A) = n.m. <strong>The</strong> only wayto <strong>de</strong>crease the sum of <strong>de</strong>viations while conserving the mean m is to find a pairof variables X i , X j such that A(X i ) > m, A(X i ) > Xi min , A(X j ) < m, A(X j ) m and A(X i ) > Ximin (violation of up-centered) and one withA(X j ) < m and A(X j ) < Xj max (violation of down-centered). Let <strong>de</strong>fine δ =min ( A(X i ) − max(Ximin , m), min(Xjmax , m) − A(X j ) ) . <strong>The</strong> assignment A(X) isnot optimal since the sum of <strong>de</strong>viations can be <strong>de</strong>creased by 2δ by modifyingthe assignment on X i and X j : A ′ (X i ) = A(X i ) − δ and A ′ (X j ) = A(X j ) + δ. <strong>The</strong>orem 4. If DEVIATION is consistent thenD = 2. max(LD (X , m), RD(X , m)) .Proof. Assume LD ≥ RD, then it is possible to build a down-centered assignment∑A of mean m and which is optimal by <strong>The</strong>orem 3. For this assignment∑ A(X)m(X − m) =X

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