Peace Corps Volunteer – October 1966 - Peace Corps Online

Peace Corps Volunteer – October 1966 - Peace Corps Online

Peace Corps Volunteer – October 1966 - Peace Corps Online


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D,.. ea .a.A ,.,:+. -.,,,. ” ,..., . . .:.,.& friend looks 0?, trainee Chester Davis (far left) !adles dr(nk at youth center where tie tielped stati school lunch program.trainee Karen Retdy (right) talks w,th youths in neighborhood where she works as a community organizer was applied.by one groupo$-agency-workersand trainee:, who selected a povertyneighborhood and went in armed withice and lenlonadc and notebooks,While (he citizens sipped, tbe traineesinterviewed them about local problems..In the Cardozo area, where many ofthe trainees lived with Brazilian fanliliesduring their last two weeks oftraining, potential Volu?tccrs began aschool lunch program at a communitycenter.Twelve Irai”ees worked with twocommunity organizers from sociologistSaul Alinsky’s organization, sur~eyingcommunity life, identifying leadersand methods of communication. “Theytry to discov$r the mood of a tom.munity so they can relate this eventuallyto people-action organizations,,+says Father George E. Powers, theproject’s field training coordinator.While Father Powers felt :he Alin.sky project was “probably the mostadventuresome” for the <strong>Peace</strong> <strong>Corps</strong>,he said that “the most interesting.— —________________PEACE CORPSWASHINGTON, O.C. 20525OFFICIAL BUSINESSaspcci of the field training is the varietyof projects. And you can’t live in<strong>–</strong>Washinmo”-- a“d doa-rivthi”~ without ‘-getting ‘involved in s~me ‘kind ofprotest,”Though field training was acceler.ated in the Georgetown program, otheracomponents of training, i“cludi”g Ian.guage, also received priority. Th~ wasdemonstrated during a visit to theproject by former Brazilian PresidentJuscelino Kubitschek, who addressedthe trainees i“ Portuguese, It was thefirst time during his current ten.mon!htour of the U.S. that he had addresseda grOuP in his native language. Aquestion-and-answer session was alsoheld in Portuguese.Kubitschek discussed his decision tobuild Brasilia, the modern capital i“the interior of the nation, and Brazil’srela~ons with the u.S. “YOU are doinga great thing for the people of Braziland for the future of mankind,’> hcsaid.The trainees were schedu fed to depart,for Brazil early in <strong>October</strong>.Georgetown University students planto continue many of the communityprOjects begun by the QOUP.-— —________________POSTAGE AND FEES PAIO“9City, State, ZIP CodeEffective date

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