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第 1 日SL-0029 月 10 日 ( 水 ) 13:10~14:40Autonomy and control in human behavior: Research onmotivation and wellness from self-determination theory講 演 者 :Richard M. Ryan ( Australian Catholic University)司 会 者 : 田 中 あゆみ ( 同 志 社 大 学 )RY203The regulation of behavior takes many forms, not all of which are volitional or have the full supportof the self. Self-determination theory (SDT) distinguishes types of motivation in terms of the degreeto which they are self-regulated or autonomous, versus being regulated by internal or externalrewards or pressures that are experienced as controlling. A expanding body of empirical researchshows how people’s quality of engagement, persistence, performance and well-being are stronglyaffected by how autonomous or controlled they feel while acting. Moreover, SDT details howmotivation quality is affected by the styles and strategies of motivators from parents and teachers,to managers, coaches, and health-care professionals. In this talk Dr. Ryan will provide an overviewSDT and its empirical foundations, with special emphasis on basic research studies of intrinsic andextrinsic motivation, including recent research using dual process theory, mechanistic studies, crossculturalcomparisons, and experience sampling. He will discuss how autonomy relates to quality ofrelationships, to collectivist versus individualistic cultural norms, to social harms and altruism, and tomindfulness, among other topics. Finally, he will discuss the scientific and practical import of SDT'sapplied research, including randomized clinical trials, investigating interventions in schools,workplaces, health-care clinics, virtual environments, and other settings.Academic Profile: http://www.acu.edu.au/research/research_institutes_and_<strong>program</strong>s/ippe/our_people/academic_team/professor_richard_m_ryan(23) SL(2)

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