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discover - Holy Innocents' Episcopal School

discover - Holy Innocents' Episcopal School


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Campus LifeAs part of our thriving campus life, clubs provide the opportunity forstudents to perform community service, learn new skills, meet newfriends, share valuable ideas, compete with other schools inacademic competitions and much more.Almost 100 percent of all HIES students participate in extra-curricularactivities. There are 15 varsity and Middle <strong>School</strong> sports teams for boysand girls as well as an impressive array of opportunities in visual arts,music and drama.The possibilities for participation in athletics, thefine arts, clubs and activities are trulyinexhaustible. A young scholar’s education is notlimited to lectures, writing assignments andexams.As vital as those exercises are to academicgrowth, we know there are so many wonderfulways to connect what is learned in our textbooksto our life experiences.For instance, it’s one thing to study the equationthat explains how a space shuttle achieves orbit,it’s another thing to build your own spaceship inRocket Club and send it soaring into the deepblue Atlanta sky. Students can study the writingsof history’s great diplomats, but those words andlessons learned do not come to life until our futurepolitical scientists have actually worked forconsensus among varying and contrasting groupsat Model UN.Speaking of diplomacy, there is no greater“field” of study in which to learn the importance ofteamwork than by participating in Middle <strong>School</strong>and Upper <strong>School</strong> athletics. Student-athletes atHIES represent the Golden Bears with pride asthey work together to achieve a common goal.The same need for cooperation, leadership andunity are required to produce a successful play,musical or orchestra concert. And for the nonperformanceartist in all of our students, there arecountless outlets and mediums for young minds toexpress themselves through painting, drawing,sculpting and graphic design, to name but a few.The ability to apply scholastic knowledge tosolve real-world problems is what we at HIES hopeto instill in every one of our students. It is thiscapability that makes HIES graduates exemplarycitizens of their community, nation and world. Thisis Campus Life at <strong>Holy</strong> Innocents’!Campus Life 19

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