Author Guide for Preparing Your JISE Paper - IFIP Working Group 2.13

Author Guide for Preparing Your JISE Paper - IFIP Working Group 2.13

Author Guide for Preparing Your JISE Paper - IFIP Working Group 2.13


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In total, the 13 students tested in 16 F/OSS projects, found72 bugs, reported 68, fixed 15, and received 43 replies fromthe F/OSS communities in their projects. The mean values ofbugs found and reported per student were 5.54 and 5.23,respectively. These figures show that the students reportedslightly less bugs than they found, because some of the bugsthey found were already reported. Even though the studentsper<strong>for</strong>med well in finding and reporting bugs in theirprojects, they did not do well in fixing bugs (mean=1.15).This is because they were not required to do any coding inthis part of their course.Number1210864bfn brp bfx repin your project?Was the process of reporting bugs easy? Q4 Q6Would you prefer to do other courses in Q9 Q8Open Source software?Did you read and understand the bugs Q10 Q11others reported?Are you considering participating inyou project after you graduate?Q20 Q14Table 3. Questions common to both surveysComparing the responses of the students to the commonquestions, we were able to make the following conclusions:ST1Q1 vs ST2Q3: All 11 students responded "Yes" in bothsurveys. This means that throughout the pilot study studentsenjoyed software testing in their projects.201 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13StudentsFigure 3. Stacked Bar charts showing how the studentsper<strong>for</strong>m in each variable.As shown in Figure 3, students #2, #3, #4, #5, #7, #011 and#13 have low to moderate per<strong>for</strong>mance in all of theiractivities. Students #1, #6, #8, #9, #10, and #12 haveper<strong>for</strong>mance only in three variables (bfn, brp, rep), withstudent #6 per<strong>for</strong>ming much better than the rest of thisgroup.Count876543210Easy to get a projectYes NoSurvey 1 Survey 2SurveysFigure 4. ST1Q2 vs ST2Q183.2 Students Opinions and Experiences: SurveysWe invited the students via email to complete twoanonymous online surveys. The surveys were designed andpublished on the department’s website using PHPSurveyor.The surveys items were meant to measure• the pedagogical value of the study,• students' opinions and experiences about softwaretesting in F/OSS projects, and• how much the students have benefited by contributingand learning from testing in F/OSS projects.Survey one was conducted in week 6 and consisted of 21items. We called it an intervention survey because it allowedus to intervene early and focus attention on difficultiesstudents were having (e.g. ease of finding a project, processof reporting bugs). Survey two was conducted in week 13and consisted of 19 items. The response rate <strong>for</strong> both surveyswas 84.62% (11 out of 13 students). Seven items (Table 3)from survey one were repeated in survey two so that wecould compare students' responses to the common questionsand see how their motivation and perception has changedovertime.VariablesItems/QuestionsSurvey1Survey2Do you enjoy software testing in F/OSS Q1 Q3projects?Did you find it easy to get a project to Q2 Q18participate in?Was it easy to find bugs in the software Q3 Q5As shown in figure 4, in both surveys the students expressedthat it was not easy to find a project to participate in. Thiswas surprising because we were expecting the students tofind projects very easily within the myriad of F/OSS projectsat source<strong>for</strong>ge.net.Counts76543210Easy to find bugsYesSurvey 1 Survey 2SurveysFigure 5. ST1Q3 vs ST2Q5:In both surveys the answers are the same. Most of thestudents found it difficult to find bugs in their software. Thiswas the case at the beginning. But as they became familiarwith the software, the rate of finding bugs increasedgradually.No

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