予稿集 - 天文・天体物理若手の会

予稿集 - 天文・天体物理若手の会

予稿集 - 天文・天体物理若手の会


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10:50 / 11:00 / / / 7 27 15:00 15:08 / 01b / / 15:12 / 02b / / ADM 15:16 / 03b / / 15:20 / 04b / / Schwarltzschild-AdS Black Hole 15:24 / 05b / / 15:28 / 06b / / The possibility of the MSSM inflation15:32 / 07b / / ()15:36 / 08b / / N 15:40 / 09b / / CG Classicality of stochastic approach of inflation15:49 / 10b / / A DGP 15:53 / 11b / / 15:57 / 12b / / Kaluza-Klein 16:01 / 13b / / Horizon 16:05 / 14b / / CG New Ekpyrotic Cosmology16:09 / 15b / / ()Parametrized post-Friedmann framework for modified gravity16:13 / 16b / / CG 16:17 / 17b / / ()DBI 16:21 / 18b / / 16:25 / 19b / / CG Schwarzschild - de Sitter 7 28 14:00 14:00 / 20b / / Stability of Five-dimensional Myers-Perry Black Holes withEqual Angular Momenta14:04 / 21b / / DECIGO Brans-Dicke 01a 7 28 09:00 Navie-Stokes Israel-Stewart Boltzmann Grad 14:08 / 22b / / Outer trapped surfaces in Vaidya spacetime14:12 / 23b / / 14:16 / 24b / / A 14:20 / 25b / / CG 5 Kerr 14:24 / 26b / / 14:28 / 27b / / 14:32 / 28b / / Einstein eq constraint eq 14:36 / 29b / / Analysis of Supersymmetric Branes System in CosmologicalBackground14:45 / 30b / / CG 14:49 / 31b / / CG Assisted chaotic inflation 14:53 / 32b / / 14:57 / 33b / / () ∼ ∼15:01 / 34b / / Gravitational Collapse without a Remnant15:05 / 35b / / FMOS 15:09 / 36b / / 15:13 / 37b / / AdS / 01c / / / 02c / / / 03c / / 21cm Cosmology/ 04c / / Non-Gaussianity ∼ Review/ 05c / / Distorted black hole/ 06c / / Closed conformal Killing-Yano tensor and uniqueness of generalizedKerr-NUT-de Sitter spacetime/ 07c / / A BBN+CMB neutrino parameter ∼ ∼Israel W.Israel, J.M.Stewart, 1979, AnPhys, 118, 341. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 | 17

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