Minutes of Stage 2 Consortium Meeting - GMB Yorkshire and North ...

Minutes of Stage 2 Consortium Meeting - GMB Yorkshire and North ...

Minutes of Stage 2 Consortium Meeting - GMB Yorkshire and North ...


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January. JC replied she was not, because she was not the person who wasgoing to hear it. PD said it could be JC <strong>and</strong> AH <strong>and</strong> GW. KH said it couldnot, it had to be a company director so it can’t be AH or JC. JN suggestedthat was put that to one side.4. Dates for future meetings4.1 It was agreed meetings would be held on8 January – Coventry. Start 10 am17 January – Coventry – full day to allow for relocating a pre-arrangedmeeting30 January – Coventry – start 11 am, unions to have a pre-meeting5. Future meeting topics5.1 JC proposed that the dates for February would be agreed on 8/1. JC alsoproposed on over the three agreed dates someone would attend to talkabout the commercial process. PD suggested that it would it be a goodidea to have someone from the commercial process at every meetingduring the process. JC proposed that they be invited when it was knownthat something was coming up in the commercial process. JC alsoproposed that Nigel Hopkins would come to a meeting to talk about thefinances <strong>and</strong> funding. KPMG would be invited if the <strong>Consortium</strong> felt thatwas appropriate. PD said that the <strong>Consortium</strong> had asked for the KPMGreports on every factory. JC replied that the information was in the foldersthe Company would be giving to the <strong>Consortium</strong> during the meeting. GWsaid that he thought the earlier KPMG were at a meeting, the better.6. Further questions6.1 KH asked whether Coventry, Birmingham <strong>and</strong> Derby sites were up for salethrough the commercial process. AH replied that there would be twocommercial processes in stage 2. One would be for the businesses deemednot to be viable, <strong>and</strong> was likely to be similar to stage 1. The more complexbusinesses would be taken to market by KPMG through a managed saleprocess. KPMG would produce a memor<strong>and</strong>um to market the business<strong>and</strong> more details would become available on that. PD said that in theMinister’s statement <strong>and</strong> the Company statement it said quite clearly thatthe employees in those factories were not at risk <strong>of</strong> redundancy. Did thestage 2 collective consultation include those factories. JC confirmed thatthose factories were outside the stage 2 consultation process. That meantthat if they were not sold, they would have to be part <strong>of</strong> a separatecollective consultation. PD commented that there could be ramificationsfor the unions because the Government’s proposed changes to a 45 dayconsultation period could come in in April 2013. That could be adisadvantage for employees in those sites. GW pointed out that it wouldbe set as a minimum by the Government. JC commented that theCompany couldn’t say anything, other than the law was expected tochange.<strong>Minutes</strong> <strong>of</strong> stage 2 <strong>Consortium</strong> meeting 1 191212 amended final issued 250113 Page 24 <strong>of</strong> 26

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