Personal Comp Member Handbook - CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield

Personal Comp Member Handbook - CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield

Personal Comp Member Handbook - CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield


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CareEssentialsWe also have a Healthy Lifestyle Coaching programthat provides you with support if you are at risk fora disease. While you may not have a disease, yourMyHealthProfile report may determine that you couldbe at risk.For example, the MyHealthProfile report may identifyyou if you are a heavy smoker and also have asthmain your family history. If you were to develop asthma,your condition may be severe because of smoking.You could be invited to participate in health coachingsessions where a health coach helps you set goals tohelp you quit smoking — and not only that, but youcan talk to your coach every step of the way untilyou’ve reached your goal(s). Call (866) 737-5569 if youhave questions about the Healthy Lifestyle Coachingprogram.You will receive Vitality, our quarterly membernewsletter. Each issue is filled with useful and timelyinformation on a variety of health-related topics.You’ll learn about food and nutrition, physical fitness,recreation and preventive health care. You’ll also getto know about our company and how to get the mostfrom your benefits.Looking for ways to get healthy and stay healthy? Gosurfing – on the web, that is. Visit My Care First, thehealth and wellness section of www.carefirst.com.Our award-winning site contains a wealth of healthinformation and interactive features that can help youtake an active role in managing your health.If you are looking for information about a specificcondition, just select a topic from our health library.You can also learn about a variety of health issuesfrom our weekly stories and quizzes. You also canoffer your opinion on a health issue by taking theweekly poll.Visit My Care First, the health and wellness section ofwww.carefirst.com for information that can help youmanage your health.At My Care First you will find:■ Information on over 300 health-related topics■ <strong>Personal</strong>ized health calculators that determineyour body mass index or target heart rateIf you or a loved one has asthma, diabetes or heartdisease, visit our asthma center, diabetes center or hearthealth center for the information, quizzes and tools tohelp manage these conditions.You can also obtain personalized health information,such as your body mass index, your target heart rate andyour ideal weight by using the health calculator. For evenmore detail about your health, you can register with thesite. Registering will enable you to take a personalizedhealth assessment, set health goals, track your progressand have reminders sent via e-mail. You can even gethelp to manage weight, stress or blood pressure and toquit smoking.To visit My Care First, go to www.carefirst.com andclick on “Health and Wellness – My Care First” in theSolution Center.<strong>CareFirst</strong> also offers Case Management support tomembers during pregnancy. The Great Beginningsprogram is designed to supplement the prenatal careand education you receive from your doctor duringpregnancy. Our Case Managers strive to help you andyour baby stay healthy during pregnancy.When you enroll in Great Beginnings, one of our CaseManagers will contact you to review your medical historyand to identify any other conditions that may affectyour pregnancy. You will receive information related toyour condition and your baby’s development. Your CaseManager will contact you during each trimester to seehow you are feeling and to answer any questions.If you have not chosen a pediatrician, the CaseManager also may assist you in finding a pediatricianclose to your home. If you experience anycomplications during pregnancy, your Case Managerwill work closely with your doctor to coordinatenecessary services and provide additional support andinformation you may need during this time.8

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