June/July - The Greets Green Partnership Legacy Website

June/July - The Greets Green Partnership Legacy Website

June/July - The Greets Green Partnership Legacy Website


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PARTNERSHIP NEWS HousingHOME VISITS UNDERWAYEDITH STREET/CHAPMAN STREET UPDATEHaving taken on board all the feedback fromlocal residents, Sandwell Council has giventhe green light to plans for demolition andredevelopment in the Housing AssessmentArea (HAA) around Edith Street andChapman Street.Everyone living in the clearance area is nowreceiving a personal one to one home visitfrom the team which comprises Council staffand members of <strong>Greets</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Partnership</strong>Housing team. Nearly 190 out of 210 visits havealready been carried out, enabling residents todiscuss the clearance process and getanswers to their questions and concerns.iIf you live in the HAA clearancearea and have not yet received ahome visit, or if you want to find outmore about the redevelopmentprocess in the HAA, call <strong>Greets</strong><strong>Green</strong> Housing Team on freephone0800 073 0798. Evening andSaturday morning appointments areavailable for home visits if required, alongwith interpretation services.Transformation work beginsCLAYPIT LANE/WATTLE ROAD UPDATE<strong>The</strong> derelict Meadows School, which had been a magnet for vandalism, hasnow been demolished, heralding the start of redevelopment work to improvethe area.Demolition was carried out by Coleman Demolition in April as part of the biggerplan to transform the whole site around Coppice Street and create much greaterhousing choice for local people.A Development Group involving the Council and regeneration partners, RegenCoand the Commission for Architecture & the Built Environment (CABE), has nowbeen set up to create options for the housing which will be developed on the sitein the future. <strong>The</strong>se options will then be taken to the local community to decidethe best course of action.“We promised that the Meadows School/Coppice Street areas would be one of thefour priority sites in our Housing Plan,” explained Ally Allerson, Executive Director of<strong>Greets</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Partnership</strong>. “Now we’re doing what we promised and taking actionwhich will benefit local people now and for the generations to come.”Demolition work will also soon begin in the Wattle Road/Claypit Lane area. Twoblocks of flats are being demolished on Wattle Road and clearance is starting onClaypit Lane and Coppice Street. <strong>The</strong> area is changing!STOPFLYTIPPINGNow that homes are becoming emptyand sites are being cleared to makeway for new developments in areasof <strong>Greets</strong> <strong>Green</strong>, they’re easy targetsfor flytipping which makes yourneighbourhoods dirty, unhygienicand unsafe.Don’t let your streets become a dumpingground – do something about it. Clearingflytipping costs a huge amount and reallybrings the local area down.If you see someone flytipping, or noticesome dumped rubbish, call the Council’sContact Centre on 569 6625. Try to getas many details of flytippers as you can,such as their registration number or thecolour of their vehicle. If the Council’sEnforcement Officers can gain evidencethat identifies the source of the rubbishor waste, they can take legal action if flytipping is proved.Remember that flytipping can be anythingfrom a few bags of rubbish to 20 ton loadsof soil or rubble – please help keep the areaclean and safe by reporting all flytipping.Don’t let them get away with it. Call 5696625 and keep our streets clean.<strong>Greets</strong> <strong>Green</strong> Magazine <strong>June</strong>/<strong>July</strong> 2005 17

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