USAID/DCHA/OFDA Annual Program Statement - Grants.gov

USAID/DCHA/OFDA Annual Program Statement - Grants.gov

USAID/DCHA/OFDA Annual Program Statement - Grants.gov


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5. Anticipated Number of Awards<strong>USAID</strong>/<strong>OFDA</strong> plans to make one or two awards under this APS. Nevertheless, <strong>USAID</strong>/<strong>OFDA</strong>reserves the right to make a single award, to fund parts of applications, or not to make anyawards at all. Issuance of this APS does not constitute an award commitment on the part of theU.S. Government, nor does it commit the U.S. Government to pay for any costs incurred in thepreparation and submission of any application. <strong>USAID</strong>/<strong>OFDA</strong> also reserves the right to make noaward should there be a lack of strong applications.6. Type of Award(s)/Substantial Involvement<strong>USAID</strong>/<strong>OFDA</strong> anticipates that a cooperative agreement(s) will be awarded as a result of thisAPS. Cooperative agreements are identical to grants except that <strong>USAID</strong>/<strong>OFDA</strong> will besubstantially involved in the following areas:(a) <strong>USAID</strong>/<strong>OFDA</strong> approval of the recipient’s detailed implementation plans thatinclude start up and implementation activities (limited to not more frequently than annually);(b) <strong>USAID</strong>/<strong>OFDA</strong> approval of specified key personnel (limited to 5 positions or5% of the recipient’s total team size, whichever is greater);(c) <strong>USAID</strong>/<strong>OFDA</strong> and recipient collaboration or joint participation whichincludes one or more of the following: Collaborative involvement of selection of advisory committeemembers (<strong>USAID</strong>/<strong>OFDA</strong> may also choose to become a member), if applicable; <strong>USAID</strong>/<strong>OFDA</strong> concurrence in advance on the selection of sub-awardrecipients and/or the substantive technical/programmatic) provisions of sub-awards; <strong>USAID</strong>/<strong>OFDA</strong> approval of a program monitoring and evaluation[M&E] plan (to the extent that such information is not included in the application); and <strong>USAID</strong>/<strong>OFDA</strong> monitoring to permit direction or redirection becauseof interrelationships with other projects.7. Cost-Sharing (Matching)NGOs are not required to include counterpart funding. However, applications that includeadditional in-kind and/or cash contributions from non-USG sources will be more competitive, sincecost-sharing demonstrates a strong commitment to the planned activities and will be rewardedunder the “cost-effectiveness” evaluation criterion set forth in F below. Cost-sharing will besubject to 22 CFR 226.23 and the standard provision entitled “Cost Sharing (Matching)” (U.S.NGOs) or the standard provision entitled “Cost-Sharing (Matching)” for non-U.S. NGOs (see G 2below).7

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