HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia: - Clinton Health Access Initiatives

HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia: - Clinton Health Access Initiatives

HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia: - Clinton Health Access Initiatives


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STORIES FROM THE FIELDAs a pediatric <strong>HIV</strong> specialist oversee<strong>in</strong>g 25 health centersthroughout Addis Ababa, Dr. Meseret Gebre certa<strong>in</strong>ly has herwork cut out for her. Formerly a Pediatrician at ALERT Hospital—oneof <strong>Ethiopia</strong>’s foremost centers for pediatric <strong>HIV</strong> treatment—Dr.Meseret was drawn to help<strong>in</strong>g <strong>HIV</strong> positive childrenearly on <strong>in</strong> her medical career, and has played an important role<strong>in</strong> the scale up of pediatric <strong>HIV</strong> treatment <strong>in</strong> <strong>Ethiopia</strong>. Tak<strong>in</strong>gpride <strong>in</strong> the progress already made, she was proud to say that“In the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g, a total of 48 children were on treatment <strong>in</strong>all the Regional <strong>Health</strong> Centers comb<strong>in</strong>ed. Now there are over3,000 on care. The program has really grown.”While Dr. Meseret will be the first to speak to the significanceof ARVs <strong>in</strong> the treatment of pediatric <strong>HIV</strong>, she also recognizesthe importance of numerous other components, such as diet,to the health of an <strong>in</strong>fected child. “When we see malnourishedchildren with poor metabolism, often times they won’t be ableto tolerate the medic<strong>in</strong>e. It’s very difficult to treat a child likethat.” See<strong>in</strong>g the importance <strong>in</strong> gett<strong>in</strong>g malnourished childrenup to a healthy bodyweight, Dr. Meseret is a strong proponentof <strong>Ethiopia</strong>’s budd<strong>in</strong>g RUTF program. “For acute malnutrition<strong>in</strong> children over six months of age, I recommend between 1.5and 6 sachets of Plumpy’nut per day,” she remarks, “and oncethey beg<strong>in</strong> treatment, you can see the child develop; you cansee they have more energy.”Once a child reaches an acceptable bodyweight, Dr. Meseretdiscont<strong>in</strong>ues the use of RUTF therapy, but cont<strong>in</strong>ues to monitorthe child’s weight carefully. In this way, RUTF serves a medicalpurpose for her patients and is not used as a food substitute<strong>in</strong> otherwise healthy children. Know<strong>in</strong>g all too well thedeleterious effects that malnourishment can have on children,RUTF has become an <strong>in</strong>tegral component <strong>in</strong> her practice, asshe strives to provide her young patients with the very best <strong>in</strong>treatment and care.21 CHAI and UNITAID <strong>in</strong> <strong>Ethiopia</strong>22

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