Subdivision Regulations (2008) - County Commissioners ...

Subdivision Regulations (2008) - County Commissioners ...

Subdivision Regulations (2008) - County Commissioners ...


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5. Street Lights6. Water Mains7. Sanitary Sewers8. Other utility mains, piping, and other facilitiesThe improvement rules may also require complete or partial construction of theimprovements as a condition that must precede the sale or lease of lots in a subdivisionor the issuance of building permits. In lieu of actual construction of the improvements,the rules may require a performance agreement and a performance bond or otherperformance guarantee to assure the construction of the improvements. Theperformance bond or other performance guarantee is limited to improvements directlyaffecting the lots in the subdivision.The rules may provide for the submission of plans and specifications for theimprovements as a condition for the approval of the plat. The rules can not require adeveloper to alter the plans and specifications for improvements as long as they complywith the rules in effect when the plat was submitted for approval.Variances from the improvement regulations are authorized where unusual orexceptional factors or conditions require modifications. The commissioners mayprovide for the administration of the improvement regulations within its office or maydelegate their administration to the county or regional planning commission. Theimprovement regulations may provide for needed inspections and examinations, and forthe issuance of such certificates, permits, and orders as is necessary to enforce theregulations. Before improvement regulations may become effective the commissionersmust hold a public hearing and must give reasonable notice of the hearing in anewspaper (1963 OAG 395). Willful violation of the improvement standards or failure tocomply with orders issued thereto can result in civil penalties of up to $1,000.88.07 AMENDMENT OF OTHER REGULATIONSIf the regulations to be amended do not change improvement or performance guaranteerequirements they need to be approved by the commissioners, but this takes place afteradoption by the planning commission. In this case, the recommended procedure is:1. Proposed amendments are prepared by the county or regional planningcommission.2. The planning commission holds a public hearing, giving 30 days prior notice in anewspaper (ORC 711.10, 1963 OAG 395). In addition, written notice to eachtownship in the county must be sent by regular or electronic mail at least 30business days before the hearing.5

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