creating a mutual Gains climate regime through universal clean ...

creating a mutual Gains climate regime through universal clean ...

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Creating a Mutual <strong>Gains</strong> Climate Regime Through Universal Clean Energy ServicesBirdsall, N., Subramanian, A., 2009, Energy Needs and Efficiency, not Emissions:Re-framing the Climate Change Narrative, Working Paper No. 187, Center for GlobalDevelopment, Washington, DC.Bodansky, D., 2011, A tale of two architectures: the once and future U.N. <strong>climate</strong> change<strong>regime</strong> (1 March 2011) [available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=1773865].Bradbrook, A.J., Gardam, J.G., 2010, ‘Energy and poverty: a proposal to harnessinternational law to advance <strong>universal</strong> access to modern energy services’, NetherlandsInternational Law Review LVII, 1–28.Bradley, R., Pershing, J., Schipper, L., Baumert, K.A., Dubash, N.K., Moreira, J.R.,Mwakasonda, S., Ng, W., Horta Nogueira, L.A., Parente, V.,Winkler, H., 2005, Growing inthe Greenhouse: Protecting the Climate by Putting Development First, World ResourcesInstitute, Washington, DC.Casten, T., Munson, D., 2009, Deploying Clean Energy: Overcoming Regulatory Barriers,White Paper, Recycled Energy Development, LLC, Westmont.Chasek, P.S., Downie, D.L., Brown, J.W., 2010, Global Environmental Politics (5thedn),Westview Press, Boulder, CO.Chayes, A., Chayes, A.H., 1993, ‘On compliance’, International Organization 47(2),175–205.Davidson, O., Halsnaes, K., Huq, S., Kok, M., Metz, B., Sokona, Y., Verhagen, J., 2003,‘The development and <strong>climate</strong> nexus: the case of sub-Saharan Africa’, Climate Policy3(S1), 97–113.de Coninck, H., 2009, Technology Rules! Can Technology-Oriented Agreements HelpAddress Climate Change?, PhD dissertation, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.Earth Negotiation Bulletin (ENB), 2009, Summary of the Bonn Climate Change Talks:10–14 August, 12(427), IISD Reporting Services, Manitoba, Canada [available at http://www.iisd.ca/download/pdf/enb12427e.pdf ].ECF, 2010, Roadmap 2050: A Practical Guide to a Prosperous, Low-Carbon Europe,European Climate Foundation, The Hague, The Netherlands [available at http://www.roadmap2050.eu/attachments/files/Volume1_fullreport_PressPack.pdf ].EREC, 2010, Re-thinking 2050: A 100% Renewable Energy Vision for the EuropeanUnion, European Renewable Energy Council, Brussels, Belgium.Finnemore, M., Sikkink, K., 1998, ‘International norm dynamics and political change’,International Organization 52(4), 887–917.Fisher, R., Ury, W., 1981, Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In, withB. Patton (ed), Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA.20 Center for International Environment and Resource Policy, The Fletcher School, Tufts University

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