Covalently Conjugation of Genistein with Biodegradable Poly L ...

Covalently Conjugation of Genistein with Biodegradable Poly L ...

Covalently Conjugation of Genistein with Biodegradable Poly L ...


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146 P. Sojitra, A. Raval, D. Kothwala, A. Rawal, H. Kotadia, S. Adesharapeanuts [8] and in dietary is<strong>of</strong>lavones such asbeans and legumes [9]. Phenolic rings in<strong>Genistein</strong> is are responsible for estrogenreceptor binding [10]. The hydroxyl group at theC-4’ position enhanced the antioxidantproperties <strong>of</strong> <strong>Genistein</strong> drug. The structure <strong>of</strong><strong>Genistein</strong> consisting <strong>of</strong> two benzyl rings by athree- carbon bridge, which is simplified as C 6-C 3-C 6. It is also classified as a phytoestrogensdue to its weak estrogenic activity in mammaliansystems [11].<strong>Genistein</strong> is a potential flavonoid whichpossesses anti-thrombotic and antiproliferativeproperties. Data suggest that<strong>Genistein</strong> may exert a strong anti-carcinogeniceffect, and that this effect possibly involves aninduction <strong>of</strong> p21, which inhibits the thresholdkinase activities <strong>of</strong> Cdks and associated cyclins,leading to a G2/M arrest in the cell cycleprogression [12, 13]. It inhibited collage inducedhuman platelet aggregation in a dosedependentmanner [14,15]. It has been shownto enhance NO production from theendothelium. NO is a potent inhibitor <strong>of</strong> plateletadhesion, aggregation and thrombosis.Impaired platelet production <strong>of</strong> NO has beenassociated <strong>with</strong> acute coronary syndromes.Thus <strong>Genistein</strong> may affect platelet aggregationvia an NO-dependant signal transductionpathway, a potential mechanisam. Theantitumor effect <strong>of</strong> <strong>Genistein</strong> has been reportedthrough the inhibition <strong>of</strong> protein kinasepathways leading to gene expressionmodification <strong>of</strong> many proteins, including VEGF.Novel drug-biodegradable polymer conjugatescan serve the purpose <strong>of</strong> sustained drugdelivery simultaneously <strong>with</strong> the polymerdegradation period. In the present study,<strong>Genistein</strong> was conjugated <strong>with</strong> biodegradablePLLA and was performed as coating on coronarystent.Materials and methodsThe Stainless steel 316L electropolished stents(16mm length) were used in the present study.L-Lactide (Boehringer-Ingelheim, Germany)was purified by recrystallization from dry ethylacetate and dried in vacuo at room temperature.<strong>Genistein</strong> was obtained from Ren YoungPharmaceutical Co Ltd, China and used <strong>with</strong>outfurther purification process. Stannous octoate(Sn-oct, Sigma), Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide(DCC, FLUCA), 4-(dimethyl amino) pyridine(DMAP, FALUCA), dichloromethane (DCM),Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) and otherchemicals used in the current investigationwere <strong>of</strong> HPLC grade procured from RanbaxyFine Chemicals Ltd, India.MethodsPLLA was synthesized by the reported method[16]. Briefly, L-lactide (10 g, 0.07 mol) wasmelted at 180 °C for 30min in a nitrogenatmosphere. Stannous octoate (0.1 wt % <strong>of</strong> L-lactide) was added to the melted L-lactidesolution. The mixture was degassed and stirredat 150 °C for 30 min. The product was dissolvedin chlor<strong>of</strong>orm and then precipitated in excessmethanol. The precipitate was filtered and driedovernight under vacuum.A DCC, DMAP chemistry was used to synthesizethe PLLA-<strong>Genistein</strong>. <strong>Genistein</strong> C 15H 10O 5(0.02702 gm 1x10 -4 mol) and PLLA (0.1g,2.0x10 -4 mol) was dissolved in the DMSO (50ml), N, N-dimethyl formamide (DMF, 50 ml)respectively. DCC (2x10 -4 mol) and DMAP (2x10 -4mol) were added to drop by drop PLLA solutionin DCM was added to <strong>Genistein</strong> solution <strong>with</strong>stirring for 10 min at constant 50°C. The reactionwas further carried out for 18 hours undernitrogen atmosphere. After the couplingreaction, the reaction solution was precipitatedin excess methanol. The precipitate wasdissolved in chlor<strong>of</strong>orm and the solution wasprecipitated in excess methanol. After filtering,the precipitate was dried at 35°C for 24 h invacuum to eliminate the residual solvent.HPLC analysis <strong>of</strong> <strong>Genistein</strong> were performed onHPLC-LC-2010 AHT [Shimadzu (Asia Pacific)Pvt. Ltd.] consisting <strong>of</strong> X-Terra RP-18 (250*4.6mm) analytical column having particle size 5µm.The drug content was analyzed using mobilephase consisting <strong>of</strong> acetonitrile: methanol:water (45:35:20 v/v) at flow rate <strong>of</strong> 1.2 ml/minand oven temperature 40°C. The retention timefor <strong>Genistein</strong> was kept at 2.9 minute and wasdetected at 254 nm by UV absorption.This analysis was performed on mother liquorto set molar ratio <strong>of</strong> genistein and PLLA. Liquorwas taken from the reaction mixture at each 18

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