Interpret Astrology The 360 Three-Way Combinations - Matrix Software

Interpret Astrology The 360 Three-Way Combinations - Matrix Software

Interpret Astrology The 360 Three-Way Combinations - Matrix Software


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<strong>Interpret</strong> <strong>Astrology</strong>: <strong>Three</strong>-<strong>Way</strong> <strong>Combinations</strong>the All-Music Guide, today the largest single databaseof music reviews and documentation on the planet.Erlewine started from a one-room office, and thereviewers and music aficionados of the time laughedat his attempt to cover all music. But he persisted,and the all-Music Guide appeared as a Gopher Site,before the World Wide Web even existed-a databaseof popular music for all music lovers.Over the years AMG grew, and the All-Movie Guideand All Game Guide were born, and also flourished.Later, Erlewine would create ClassicPosters.com,devoted to the history and documentation of rock n'roll posters, some 35,000 of them.<strong>The</strong>se guides changed the way music was reviewedand rated. Previous to AMG, review guides like the"Rolling Stones Record Guide" were run by a fewsophisticated reviewers, and the emphasis was on theexpertise of the reviewer, and their point of view.Erlewine insisted on treating all artists equally, andnot comparing artist to artist, what can be important,Michael points out, is to find the best music any artisthas produced, not if the artist is better or worse thanJimmie Hendrix or Bob Dylan.Erlewine sold AMG in 1996, at which time he had 150fulltime employees, and 500 free-lance writers. Hehad edited and published any number of books andCD-ROMs on music and film. During the time heowned and ran AMG, there were no advertisementson the site and nothing for sale. As Erlewine writes,"All of us deserve to have access to our own popularculture. That is what AMG and ClassicPosters.comare all about.” Today, AMG reviews can be foundeverywhere across the Internet. Erlewine's music408

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