ASQ Certified Master Black Belt Portfolio

ASQ Certified Master Black Belt Portfolio

ASQ Certified Master Black Belt Portfolio


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<strong>ASQ</strong> Confidentiality STATEMENTThis purpose of thisconfidentiality statement isto assure all MBB candidatesthat <strong>ASQ</strong> will protect theirconfidential informationincluding sensitive informationand materials furnished bythe applicant as evidence tosupport their MBB applicationand portfolio review.<strong>ASQ</strong> understands and agrees that all information is to be considered confidentialand proprietary to the applicant and <strong>ASQ</strong> shall hold the same in confidence,and shall not use the confidential information other than for the purposes ofits business with the applicant, and shall disclose it only to its portfolio reviewpanel and <strong>ASQ</strong> employees with a specific need to know. <strong>ASQ</strong> will not disclose,publish, or otherwise reveal any of the confidential information received fromthe applicant to any other party whatsoever except with the specific prior writtenauthorization of the applicant.<strong>ASQ</strong> CODE OFETHICSFundamental Principles<strong>ASQ</strong> requires its members and certificationholders to conduct themselves ethically by:I. Being honest and impartial in servingthe public, their employers, customers,and clients.II. Striving to increase the competenceand prestige of the quality profession,andIII. Using their knowledge andskill for the enhancement ofhuman welfare.Members and certification holders arerequired to observe the tenets setforth below:Relations With the PublicArticle 1 – Hold paramount the safety,health, and welfare of the public in theperformance of their professional duties.Relations With Employersand ClientsArticle 2 – Perform services only in theirareas of competence.Article 3 – Continue their professionaldevelopment throughout their careers andprovide opportunities for the professionaland ethical development of others.Article 4 – Act in a professional mannerin dealings with <strong>ASQ</strong> staff and eachemployer, customer, or client.Article 5 – Act as faithful agents ortrustees and avoid conflicts of interest andthe appearance of conflicts of interest.Relations With PeersArticle 6 – Build their professionalreputation on the merit of their servicesand not compete unfairly with others.Article 7 – Ensure that credit for the work ofothers is given to those to whom it is due.6 | <strong>Master</strong> <strong>Black</strong> <strong>Belt</strong> | Form expires 12.01.13

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