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Download PDF - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Download PDF - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum


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ThessalonikicorfuKastoriaioanninavolosThe <strong>Holocaust</strong> inzakynthosAthensrhodesTTHESSALONIKIFor centuries, Thessaloniki, honored with the title “LaMadre de Israel,” was the most populous city of SephardicJewry in the world.In the summer of 1942, the persecution of the Jews ofThessaloniki started. All men between the ages of 18 and 45were conscripted into forced labor, where they stood for hoursin the hot summer sun and were beaten and humiliated. TheJewish community was depleted of its wealth and pride. Jewswere ordered to wearthe yellow Star of Davidand forced into anenclosed ghetto, calledBaron Hirsch, adjacentto the rail lines.The persecution of Jews, summer 1942Jewish <strong>Museum</strong> of GreeceU n i t e d S t a t e s H o l o c a u s t M e m o r i a l M u s e u m 11

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