Annual report / Police Department, City of ... - Chicago Cop.com

Annual report / Police Department, City of ... - Chicago Cop.com

Annual report / Police Department, City of ... - Chicago Cop.com


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NRL PRNTNDNT RPRTFNNL TTNT NTpprprtnxpndtrnxpnddBlnff f n. pt. f Pl...0•,824.22,824.22$ff f Frt Dpt pt0•2,06.2.424.82.6brdnt . ffr ...0•2,0,844.28,0,8.488.8Ptrln nd Pln.. ..0•6,02.28.006,66,.62•4,40.62Dttv Dvn0â 4,02,6.48,02..204.Rrd tnâ€Dttv Dlv.00,80.40,80.4Dprtntl tbl0â 64,68.244,68.24Tlrph Dvn0•28.4.2628,42.4.6bln Dvn0•86,28.66,28.GENERAL 8UPERINTENDE}I'f ' REPORT 7FINANCIAL STATEMENT 1919ACCOUNTOlllee ot Gen. Supt. <strong>of</strong> <strong>Police</strong> .. .Office <strong>of</strong> First Deputy SupL ... .Subordinate Comm. Olllee rsPatrolmen and <strong>Police</strong>wome n ... .Detective Division . . . .. ..... . . .Records Section-Detective Dlv.<strong>Department</strong>al Stable s .. . . .. . .. .Telegraph Division .. . ....... .Ambulance DlvlslQl'\ . ... ... ... .Ins pection and Property Dlv. ..Ollice ot Secretary ot <strong>Police</strong> .. .Ollice <strong>of</strong> Second De puty Supt. ..:\loving Picture Section . ...... .Engineer Section . . . . ..... ... .Printing Shop .. .. . .. .... . . . . .Dog Pound Division .. . .. ... . . .Unpald PayroUs--1918 .. .. . .. .Substitute <strong>Police</strong> Operators .. .30-A30-A-1SO-A-230-A-330-A-430-A-530-A-630-A-730-A-830-A-1030-A-ll30-A-1230-A-13aO-A-15SO-A-1630-A-1730-A-1830-A-1917,824.2292,506.531,067,944.286,092.287.001,027,363.48le,870.4545,618.24238,664.2656,258.6911,9 40.0033,51 6.963,490.0029,119.11119,615.6410,487.3831 ,424.863,619.0812,960.00AppropriationsExpenditures17,824. 22 $92,424 .371,057,855.456,166.757.621,027,169.1510,870.4546,618.24238,142.7166,268.5911,825.8333,515.963,489.9629,119.11119,515. 6410,487.3831,424.86I UnexpendedBalance s8 2. 1688.8 3·74,470.62204.33411.55114.17.043,617.44 1.6412,904 .01 46.99$8.895. 28 9.08$8,968.810.99 ·$73.52J.91·De flclt.EXPENSE FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION 1919nrtd n 200204 0:0 T http:hdl.hndl.nt202njp.20064Pbl Dn, ldtzd http:.hthtrt.rpdlACCOUNTP ersonal Services, General Supt.Ollice .. . ... . .... .. . . . . . ... 30-BInspector <strong>of</strong> Moral Condltlons-Salarie s .. ... . . . . .. ... . .. . .Shoeing Horses . . ... . ........ .Materials and Supplies . .. . . .. .Automobile Tires . . . ..... . ... .Forage for Horses .. .. ... . . .. .Machinery and Vehlcles . ... .. . .Repairs Contract or Open OrderFuel, Light and Power . . . .... .Electric Current and Gas ... .Furniture and Fixtures30-B-230-B-630- C30-C -130-C -630-030-E30-F30-F-130-GPrinting, Stationery, and Oll'lceSupplies ........ . .. . . ... . 30-HP assenger Transportation 30-JUnpaid BUls ot 1918 for Stree tCar Transportation . . . .... . .Malntenance <strong>of</strong> Autos ..... . .. .Impersonal Services and BenefitsOperating Exp.-Gen. Supt. Olllee30-J-t30-.T-230-L30-L-130-L-2Insp. <strong>of</strong> Moral Conditions andComp\alnts . .. . . . .. . . .. .... .T elephone Service .. .. . .... ... 30-L-4F eeding Prisoners ... ... . . . . .. 30-L-5Damages. Refunds and Clalms . ' 30-MContingent Fund (Gen. Supt. ) . . . 1 30-S-1$ 4,600.00 $12,000.0012.200.0058,990.0045.000.0030,110.009.300.00125,200.0071,874.0413.000.006,600.0018,500.00100.0054.000.00360.007,700.003. 600.006,000.0012,000.006. 900.00500.0010,000.00AppropriationsExpenditures4,419.2912.000.0011.742.8052,189.2442,979.4728,322.667,695.00124.197.8970.769.3412.681.015,401.0014,740.9166.6564,000.00360.007.686.782,243.145,840.3910,877.966,84 5.25427.829,946.38peI Unex­ndedBa lances$ 80.71457.206.800.762,020.631.787.361,605.001.002.111,104.70318.99199.003.759.0933.35114.221.266.86159.611,122.0554.7672 .1853.62Total Other than Salaries . .... . . . . " . 507.334.04 485,331.96 22,002.08,Total SalarIes and Wages . . . . . . . . . . .. 8,895,289.08 8,968,810.99 73.521.91Total <strong>Police</strong> -'pe partment. .... . ..... ' $~402.623.:.12 $9,454,142.95 $51.519.83Dig izbyOriginal fromPRINCETON UN:rY

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