City Directory 1930 vol. 2

City Directory 1930 vol. 2

City Directory 1930 vol. 2


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46 WORTH CASE AVENUE PHONE LONCOiLW 02bLO32 DIJRCII DIRECTORY CO 'S~pI31 f\larle 1.1 r 630 Trllmrdcc rd -Darrell IZnrnhl \\ks E 0 Gaa Co r 637 PorlnlrsHUz\RI> OF COhTRUL. Gro D Porter >lryor J (. trailMurray Dlreetol ol Public Servkee H \I Auat- -Erner) h 1761 ?dsen Dlreelor of Publlc 5nlelY CIt) Hlds Frcderlrk L [Asnes C1 h 1633 Chestnut blrd-or duea at ion 1,. FR it~rnitrdson su~t or ~chools -vrs ~rh.n nume h ,739 n1.hHIsh School BldS 2300 4th - h I ruin Edulnl h 1111 High-or ~lections II v ~ohn and c R Gra) de~~ull~~ ~ n l u ~ ~ lh(:nodr~eh kh 1633 ch?-tnut bhdClfv Blds Bolden Alvin D [Irene D11 elk Goodrlch h 636-of Henlth Dr R I1 Dlilrkwith (Akron 01 heillth Cravr u v ~eommiasioner city ~I,IS Bordenk>rchrr CBrl A [Mabel I:] airs Uatl R \I CoBodm Jesse H [Helen CI rlur nst Flrestolle h 265+ h 2IGO FrontBerk -Fmnces clk Polsky Co h 9400 3d ,-\\'nl I1 [Phoebe El Dollcen~on h 1764 18th -Frank J li(\nl h 2473 2d~o~endieek urs ~inda L (%d ~ s IEllznl a wks water norka h 314 soekstt- M ~ LI~R ~ I. aermrtre-r h 1512 rails nve -choa J elk w ~ardner h 606 ~~t!mrdseHnnn~r Geo P [M?rsuerlte 1.1 alamn r 1446 4th -\lrs Eva R lald Riehnnl D) h 717 Tlllmsdge rclnOnnPtf mas D ~ ~ ~ i l " l u o P g. T. ro h 607 -~lor?nc? afenoc h 2767 nr1ltnln rdThllmna cf -llll"h IMilr, A1 h 112 Ttlllmnci8e rdf ERVICE "WUFF SED" Our Coal makes warm friends Phone Main 1939

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