Cheaper, Better, Faster Mary Hunt - Baker Publishing Group

Cheaper, Better, Faster Mary Hunt - Baker Publishing Group

Cheaper, Better, Faster Mary Hunt - Baker Publishing Group


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Automobilesthe sheets under the seat andenjoy their subtle fragrance.when the car was returnedwithin the first few days.Sunglasses storageKeep sunglasses handy whendriving by storing them righton your car’s sun visor. Attachthe case to the visor by gluingadhesive-backed fasteners toeach. Your shades will alwaysbe within easy reach.Sunroof—more headroomIf you’ve found the perfect carexcept for one thing—yourhair touches the ceiling—consider ordering it with asunroof; or if it’s a used car,you could have one installed.A sunroof typically will giveyou another inch or two.Test-drive—afterpurchase of new carWhen you finally take a newcar home, give it a long andthorough test-drive. Take thecar back to the dealer immediatelyif you detect a majorproblem. The courts haveupheld demands for a refundTest-drive—beforeaccepting new carInsist on a test-drive of yournew car before you accept delivery.Never take delivery at night,because you want to examinethe car carefully in full daylight.Make sure there’s been no damagein transit and that the carhas not been repainted. Telltalesigns of repainting are painttraces on the rubber striping ortrim, mismatched colors, andill-fitting panels.Test-drive—inspect forhidden damageLooking for a used car? Checkfor signs of a repaired accident—damageon the car.Vehicles that have been bangedup and reconstructed will havetelltale signs. Have someonedrive behind the car to see ifthe back wheels align withthe front, and look for watermarks in the trunk. Checkunder the hood to make surethe fender seams haven’t27<strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Hunt</strong>, <strong>Cheaper</strong>, <strong>Better</strong>, <strong>Faster</strong>Revell Books, a division of <strong>Baker</strong> <strong>Publishing</strong> <strong>Group</strong>, © 2013. Used by permission.

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