Scroll - Congregation Beth El

Scroll - Congregation Beth El

Scroll - Congregation Beth El


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Reach...(learn something new)When you think of a bar or bat mitzvah,do you think of someone about 13 yearsold? When Jan, one of the writers of “4U,”was 13 years old, it was unusual for a girl tohave a bat mitzvah ceremony. So she didn’t.When she grew up and had a daughter, shedecided to study with her rabbi and cantorto read Torah and join in the tradition. Janwas 40 years old when she was officiallywelcomed into the community as a Jewishadult. TEACH...Share...Even if you are not old enough to be a baror bat mitzvah, you can do a mitzvah (gooddeed). Choose one mitzvah (like being kind toanimals or sharing your good fortune with peoplein need), and try to fulfill the mitzvah every dayuntil next Shabbat.MITZVAH4UB’NAIA bar or bat mitzvah is a person, notjust a party. When children become b’naimitzvah (children of the commandment),they are considered Jewish adults. They arecounted in a minyan (a prayer group of 10).They also have new grown-up responsibilitieslike wearing tefillin, fasting on fast days, andobserving the mitzvot.13 Questions AboutB’nai MitzvahAcross1. The age at which a girl can have her batmitzvah3. What family and friends say to you on thisspecial day5. B’nai mitzvah families often provide a special___ for this special day.7. Discussion of the week’s Torah portion8. Hebrew word for Jewish law9. Men sometimes have this for the secondtime when they reach 83 years of age.11. Translation of bar mitzvah is “son of the___.”12. B’nai mitzvah are called to read from the___.Down1. A mitzvah that a boy can begin performingeach morning after his bar mitzvah2. Means “daughter of the commandment”4. Family and friends often throw this when theTorah portion of the service is over.6. B’nai mitzvah usually take place on thisday of the week.10. A boy who has had reached the age ofmitzvot can now be counted as a part of thisprayer group.Answers: Across: 1 Twelve; 3 MazalTov; 5 Kippah; 7 D’var Torah; 8 Halacha;9 Bar mitzvah; 11 Commandment; 12 Torah. Down: 1 Wearing tefillin; 2 Batmitzvah; 4 Candy; 6 Shabbat; 10 Minyan.15

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