Hallowed Be Thy Name Reverse adapted from the ... - Trin Denise

Hallowed Be Thy Name Reverse adapted from the ... - Trin Denise

Hallowed Be Thy Name Reverse adapted from the ... - Trin Denise


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<strong>Hallowed</strong> <strong>Be</strong> <strong>Thy</strong> <strong>Name</strong>kindly on that,” he said, stroking his chin hairswith his finger and thumb in a sinisterfashion.“I don’t live my life for <strong>the</strong> church. Notanymore and <strong>from</strong> this day forward, I nowconsider myself to be a recovering Catholic,”she said and she meant every word of it. Herlife had revolved around living up to <strong>the</strong>Catholic way of life and <strong>the</strong> teachings in <strong>the</strong>Bible and look where it had gotten her—nowhere fast.“Seriously though, don’tcha think this isall a little weird?” Derek asked. He still wasn’tconvinced that this was <strong>the</strong> best thing forAngie.Angie decided to play dumb. “I’m notsure I follow. What exactly do you mean?”she asked.Derek turned sideways on <strong>the</strong> couch so hecould look directly at her. “Knock it off, Ang.You know damn well I’m talking about abuilding you just happened to inherit in somepodunk-ass town that also just happens to beless than—”“I know,” Angie said, interrupting him for<strong>the</strong> second time in a matter of minutes. “Idon’t know how Grams got <strong>the</strong> building and Idon’t know a hell of a lot about anything but Ineed to get my mind on something else21

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