April 12, 2013 - The Geneva School

April 12, 2013 - The Geneva School

April 12, 2013 - The Geneva School


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TGS Youth Sports Relies on Parent VolunteersThank you Paul Roldan (soccer, flagfootball, and basketball coach); AllisonHendrix (basketball and track coach);AnnMarie Calo (soccer team mom);and James Rudolph (flag football andbasketball coach) for your input.Why do you and your family participatein youth sports at TGS?Coach Roldan: We participate in youthsports because it is a venue by which wecan further engage with our children ina fun, healthy, and safe environment. Inaddition, as a coach, I have found I growand mature as much if not more than thekids as a result of my direct participation.Coach Hendrix: We participate becausewe believe athletics are an integral partof a child’s physical and cognitive development.Instilling a love for athletics atan early age is important to us. We wantthem to learn to honor God in athleticsby utilizing the gifts instilled in them.AnnMarie Calo: To be honest, one factoris the convenience of practices takingplace at TGS right after school. Also,it’s great to engage with other familiesat TGS and get to know them and theirchildren better through participation inyouth sports. Since we don’t live near anyof my son’s classmates, I love that he candevelop better friendships with schoolmatesthrough his participation in theyouth sports here at TGS.Coach Rudolph: We want our childrento participate in team sports so that theyare a part of something, as well as a venueto keep their bodies and minds active. Wealso feel it is important that they learn adiscipline, and athletics is a great trainingground for that. We also participateas volunteers as a form of investment intothe sports program and in the lives ofthese little athletes.What positive benefits do you see fromyour child participating in youth sportsat TGS?Coach Roldan: <strong>The</strong>re are various benefitsincluding better health, the developmentof social skills, learning and practicingteamwork skills, and working on havingpositive attitudes whether we win or lose.Coach Hendrix: My children are learningabout teamwork, training, and havinga coachable spirit. <strong>The</strong>y bond withtheir friends in a different way than theydo in the classroom. <strong>The</strong>y learn to listenand apply what the coaches are teachingthem. Plus, they sleep really well afterthe physical release in an afternoonpractice!AnnMarie Calo: <strong>The</strong> attitudes of boththe other parents and the students are somuch better here. You hear encouragingcheering on the sidelines and positive interactionsand support between the children.<strong>The</strong>re’s no “blame game” on or offthe field if a play doesn’t go well or a mistakeis made.Coach Rudolph: <strong>The</strong>y get to be withtheir friends while playing a sport. Forsome sports this can be the buildingblocks of a team later on down the road.It also offers a safe, clean, and competitiveenvironment with the other schoolsand teams in ACYS.Did you enjoy your coaching experience,and if so, why?Coach Roldan: Absolutely! I learn andgrow so much during the season. It is excitingto be part of the development ofa child even if it is just for a season. Tobe able to do that within the context ofsports adds an extra element of excitementas I am able to share in the emotionaljourney involved in the challengesof athletics.Coach Hendrix: I find joy in instillinga love for athletics in children. Seeing achild reap the benefit of working hard isa real joy. I love to encourage them andto see their confidence grow. In addition,when you coach your own child it sendsthem the message that what they are doingis important to you.Coach Rudolph: I love seeing the improvementthat occurs with each childfrom the beginning of the season to theend.Young Athletes and their Nutritional Needs:It is very important that our young athletes have a healthy, nutritious diet. Here are a few guidelines:• Complex carbohydrates are the best source of energy for young athletes! Try to getin 5–9 serving of fruits and vegetables every day!• Water is the best source of hydration for competing bodies.• Avoid high-sugar sports drinks like Gatorade and Powerade• Drink fluids (water) before after and during training.• Rest is important! 6–<strong>12</strong> year old children should be getting 10–11 hours of sleepper night.Page 11

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